Что такое sys fan
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Что такое sys fan

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Что такое Sys Fan на материнской плате: что подключается и где находится?

Разъем sys fan 2

Здравствуйте, дорогие читатели! Сегодня разберем разъем sys Fan на материнской плате: что это такое, для чего нужен и какие провода подключать сюда. Про все разъемы на материнской плате можно почитать тут.

Sys fan — это сокращение от system fan, что означает «Системный вентилятор». Разъем служит для подключения дополнительных кулеров и за неимением других вариантов может также использоваться для подключения вентилятора CPU.

Таких портов может на материнке быть несколько: от нуля до 4-5. Обозначаются они, соответственно, fan 1, 2 и так далее.

Какие провода подключать сюда: только соответствующий коннектор, который на конце провода, питающего кулер. Существуют 3- и 4-контактный варианты этого разъема.

  • Земля;
  • Контроль скорости;
  • Тахометрический контакт;
  • Питание (pwr).

У трехконтактного это земля, питание и контроль скорости вращения. Если порты и коннектор разные, лучше их не подключать.

Изменение скорости вращения крыльчатки достигается благодаря изменению напряжения от 0 до 5 вольт. Все настройки выполняются в BIOS, а также соответствующими утилитами: например, MSI Afterburner.

Так как здесь реализована «защита от дурака», то и сломать кулер крайне сложно: пользователь при всем желании не даст команду вращаться ему быстрее, чем это предусмотрено спецификацией.

Где расположен такой порт на материнке, найти не сложно: обычно его помещают поближе к сокету ЦП. Если портов много, некоторые могут быть вынесены на периферию системной платы.

Акцентирую ваше внимание, что использование этого слота не обязательно: у вас может попросту не быть кулеров, чтобы их сюда подключить. Такое наблюдается, если компьютеру хватает мощности вентилятора процессора и блока питания.

Дополнительное охлаждение, создающее лишний шум, может быть нецелесообразно.

Также советую почитать о проверке системной платы на работоспособность и чем игровая плата отличается от обычной. Не забывайте делиться постами моего блога в социальных сетях, если хотите помочь в его продвижении. До скорой встречи!

С уважением, автор блога Андрей Андреев.

что такое sys fan1 и 2/ cpu fan/ pwr fan. и можно ли к 4pin подключить 3pin вентилятор

подойдет 3 пиновый к 4 пиновому, у меня процессорный куллер был так подключен, правда гудит как зверь ибо на 4 пиновом если мат плата не поддерживает 3 пиновые то она будет выдавать постояную напругу и соответвтвенно куллер будет крутится на полную т. к. в 4 пиновом куллере оборотами заведует не чип на пропеллере а материнская плата по 4 пину
sys Fan — корпусный куллер или куллер на чипсете

CPU FUN — процессорный куллер

SYS Fan vs. CPU Fan: The Key Differences You Should Know

In computer hardware, nuances often make a difference. One such nuance lies in understanding the cooling system — specifically, the differences between a SYS vs CPU fan. For many, this might seem like a detail lost in the weeds, but it’s vital knowledge for an informed computing enthusiast or anyone keen on prolonging their system’s lifespan.

These fans serve the overarching purpose of cooling, but do so in distinct ways and for unique reasons. Cooling is not just about combating the heat; it’s about ensuring efficiency, performance, and the overall health of your computer.

Delving into the SYS vs. CPU fan topic isn’t about splitting hairs over technicalities; it’s about appreciating your computer’s delicate balance of thermodynamics. If you’ve ever noticed your computer getting warm or heard the fans whirring more loudly and wondered about their roles and importance, this exploration is tailor-made for you.

SYS vs. CPU Fan: Side-by-Side Comparison

Category SYS Fan CPU Fan
Purpose Cools the entire system by circulating air Direct cooling for the CPU
Position Throughout the case (front, back, top, bottom) Directly on top of the CPU
Power Lower RPM; quieter operation Higher RPM; potentially louder
Size Commonly 120mm and 140mm Determined by CPU area; generally smaller
Cost Generally affordable; premium versions cost more Stock versions cheap; aftermarket versions costlier
Recommendation Good for general system health and multitasking Essential for CPU-intensive tasks

SYS vs. CPU Fan: What’s the Difference?

In many ways, computing is the story of managing heat. Heat management has stood as an ever-present challenge as we’ve traversed the ages, from the era of room-sized mainframes to today’s ultra-compact, ultra-powerful devices.

In the earliest days of computing, machines were slow and vast, and their operations were often mechanical. With the introduction of transistors, integrated circuits, and, eventually, the multi-core processors of the modern age, there was a marked increase in computational capacity.

However, this power didn’t come without its side effects. The more compact and powerful the processors became, the more heat they generated. Every leap in processing capability meant packing more components into confined spaces, intensifying heat production as a result.

But why is heat such an issue? When a computer’s components get too hot, they don’t function as efficiently. Overheating can cause a spectrum of problems, from minor slowdowns and glitches to system-wide crashes, or even permanent damage to the hardware.

In some cases, the heat can impact the longevity of components, meaning that without proper cooling, the life of the computer could be drastically shortened. Enter the world of cooling solutions. These systems have been developed meticulously to combat heat menace.

Fans are among the most critical components of these solutions, and while there are several types, SYS and CPU fan stands out. Their primary role is to maintain a balance, ensuring that the heat generated by your computer’s operations is dissipated efficiently, safeguarding both performance and the hardware’s longevity.

What Is a SYS Fan?

sys vs cpu fan

The SYS fan, or system fan, is like the unsung hero of a computer’s cooling universe. While its role might seem subtle, its impact is profound. These fans primarily function to regulate the internal environment of the computer case. Drawing in cooler air from outside or expelling the warmed air from inside ensures a harmonious temperature balance within the system.

But where exactly do you find these guardians? SYS fans are strategically located on various parts of a computer’s chassis. Their placement is meticulously planned, whether on the front, back, top, or sides.

Their design ensures that every corner, nook, and cranny of the computer benefits from consistent airflow. This process aids in dissipating the heat generated by the CPU and the GPU, RAM, storage devices, and even the power supply.

While other cooling components might target specific areas, the SYS fan casts a wider net. It’s vigilant, ensuring that no component is left unattended. Doing so creates a more stable and efficient environment, allowing each piece of hardware to function at its optimum potential without the risks of overheating.

What Is a CPU Fan?

RGB Lights

  • Has four 6mm pipes that connect directly to the CPU
  • Contains 41 inserted fins that ensure CPU heat removal
  • Removable PWM fans and intelligent temperature control
  • Supports numerous Intel and AMD brand CPUs

Jonsbo RGB CPU Air Cooler

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10/13/2023 06:10 am GMT

Every efficient system has a linchpin; in the world of computers, it’s the central processing unit (CPU). This core component juggles numerous tasks at lightning speeds.

Furthermore, engaging in high-intensity activities generates a significant amount of heat. Ensuring the heart of the computer remains cool is paramount, and that’s the mission of the CPU fan.

Specifically designed for the task, the CPU fan is laser-focused on its duties. Unlike the broader-reaching SYS fan, it zeroes in exclusively on the processor.

As heat builds up on the CPU, the fan’s job is to usher it away immediately. This swift response ensures the CPU never lingers in a high-temperature state, which could compromise its efficiency.

However, the CPU fan isn’t working alone in this mission. Often accompanied by a heat sink, a device made from highly conductive materials like copper or aluminum, it works to disperse heat quickly. While the fan circulates air, the heat sink draws the heat away from the CPU, spreading it to be more efficiently cooled.

This close-knit relationship between the CPU fan and heat sink is crucial. It’s what prevents potential hiccups like thermal throttling, where the CPU reduces its speed to avoid overheating. By constantly monitoring and managing the temperature, the CPU fan ensures the processor works consistently and reliably, maximizing its lifespan and performance.

Games and Applications

SYS Fans

Digital life isn’t just about high-powered gaming or resource-intensive tasks. Often, it’s the hum of daily activities, like checking your social media feed, reading up on the latest news, or even participating in a video conference for work. Each of these tasks might seem light on the surface, but they involve multiple components of your computer working in tandem.

Consider the casual user. While listening to an online lecture, they might also have multiple browser tabs open for research, an e-book for reference, and maybe a few software applications like a word processor or a presentation tool running simultaneously.

Then there’s the background activity: automatic software updates, cloud backups, and perhaps a security scan. All these, while seemingly innocuous, contribute to the overall heat generation inside the computer.

The SYS fan is the unsung hero here. As hard drives read and write data, RAM modules juggle information, and graphics cards work to display everything crisply on your screen, heat is produced. This is where the SYS fan springs into action.

It works to circulate air, drawing in cooler ambient air and pushing out the warmer air. This circulation is vital in ensuring that no particular component heats up excessively.

For the everyday user, the SYS fan is like an orchestra conductor, maintaining balance and ensuring each part of the computer gets the cooling it needs. This balance ensures smooth multitasking, glitch-free video streaming, and a computer system that feels responsive and ready no matter the task.

CPU Fans

The central processing unit, or CPU, is often dubbed the computer’s brain, and for good reason. This component is heavy-lifting when running complex algorithms or processing intricate tasks.

In scenarios that demand top-tier performance, such as intense gaming sessions, 4K video editing, or advanced scientific simulations, the CPU bears the brunt of the workload. Imagine a graphic designer working on a detailed vector illustration with multiple layers. Or consider a data scientist running complex simulations.

In these scenarios, the CPU processes thousands, if not millions, of instructions every second. Each operation generates a minute amount of heat, but collectively, it results in significant temperature spikes.

That’s where the CPU fan shines the brightest. This fan is positioned above the CPU, often aided by a heat sink, and keeps the processor cool. As the CPU’s workload intensifies, the fan’s RPM (revolutions per minute) often increases, drawing away the extra heat and preventing potential thermal throttling or shutdowns.

In essence, the CPU fan acts as a personal bodyguard to the processor. For every intense gaming duel, every frame of a high-resolution video being edited, and every line of code being compiled, the CPU fan ensures the processor doesn’t ‘break a sweat.’

Its role becomes particularly crucial during prolonged sessions of high computational demand, ensuring the system’s performance remains consistent and reliable.

Система охлаждения UX333FN SYS FAN (FORCECON) ORIGINAL

Система охлаждения UX333FN SYS FAN (FORCECON) ORIGINAL Система охлаждения UX333FN SYS FAN (FORCECON) ORIGINAL

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