How to definitely remove/uninstall Bluetooh drivers in Windows 10?
I want to switch from QUALCOMM to Realtek but whenever I uninstall Bluetooth driver from device management and run the Realtek installation it throws an error that «There are unauthorized Bluetooth adapters in your system, Please remove or disable the devices», and no matter how many times I try to uninstall the previous Bluetooth driver it just reappears on its own would appreciate if you could help me through this Also the reason I want to switch drivers is that with the Qualcomm drivers my Bluetooth wont show any available devices to pair also I have tried troubleshooting, fixing the services settings and nothing seems to work idk if its a software issue or hardware(shed some light on this issue as well) 🙂
vibhor chauhan
asked Jun 30, 2022 at 15:22
vibhor chauhan vibhor chauhan
1 1 1 bronze badge
1 Answer 1
Not sure about the driver aspects of your questoin, but the following PowerShell code will allow you to interactively delete previously saved devices. So try removing all devices and see if that helps.
$Source = @" [DllImport("BluetoothAPIs.dll", SetLastError = true, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] static extern UInt32 BluetoothRemoveDevice(IntPtr pAddress); public static UInt32 Unpair(UInt64 BTAddress) < GCHandle pinnedAddr = GCHandle.Alloc(BTAddress, GCHandleType.Pinned); IntPtr pAddress = pinnedAddr.AddrOfPinnedObject(); UInt32 result = BluetoothRemoveDevice(pAddress); pinnedAddr.Free(); return result; >"@ Function Get-BTDevice < Get-PnpDevice -class Bluetooth | ?| select Status, Class, FriendlyName, HardwareID, # Extract device address from HardwareID @> > ################## Execution Begins Here ################ $BTR = Add-Type -MemberDefinition $Source -Name "BTRemover" -Namespace "BStuff" -PassThru $BTDevices = @(Get-BTDevice) # Force array if null or single item Do < If ($BTDevices.Count) < "`n******** Bluetooth Devices ********`n" | Write-Host For ($i=0; $i -lt $BTDevices.Count; $i++) < ('- ' -f ($i+1), $BTDevices[$i].FriendlyName) | Write-Host > $selected = Read-Host "`nSelect a device to remove (0 to Exit)" If ([int]$selected -in 1..$BTDevices.Count) < 'Removing device: ' -f $BTDevices[$Selected-1].FriendlyName | Write-Host $Result = $BTR::Unpair($BTDevices[$Selected-1].Address) If (!$Result) Else > > Else < "`n********* No devices found ********" | Write-Host >> While (($BTDevices = @(Get-BTDevice)) -and [int]$selected)
Copy and paste the entire code block into a PowerShell console window and press Enter . You’ll then be presented with a list of all saved devices:
******** Bluetooth Devices ******** 1 - Chill Out 2 - Pixel 6 3 - LG HBS730 4 - Pixel 6 5 - Pixel 6 6 - Pixel 6 Select a device to remove (0 to Exit):
After deleting a device, an update list will appear until all devices are deleted or you press 0 to exit.
Нет сетевого адаптера Bluetooth в диспетчере устройств
Посреди дня отключились беспроводные наушники от ноутбука, подключала их при включенном блютузе через устройства воспроизведения, но после этого случая ноутбук как бы игнорировал мои запросы подключения. Была Windows 8.1, недавно поставила десятку, а менюшек блютуза и в помине нет. Есть только пункт блютуза в диспетчере устройств, а в сетевых адаптерах блютуза нет. Не получается установить драйвер на блютуз, потому что в конце всегда по сути одна и та же ошибка у разных драйверов, мол, нет устройства блютуз или что-то в этом роде. В итоге я просто хожу по кругу. Что можно сделать в этом случае?
Дополнен 5 лет назад
ноутбук asus x555lb
Дополнен 5 лет назад
после удаления при установке уже пишет «подтвердите подключение bluetooth в вашей системе»
Дополнен 5 лет назад
и после обновления та же песня, снова ошибка на инглише
Голосование за лучший ответ
драйвера Bluetooth не установлены, вот и нет его в ДУ.
Полина АртёмоваУченик (125) 5 лет назад
при установке пишет «there are unauthorized bluetooth adapters in your system. Please remove or disable the devices, and click «OK»»
Влад Сергеев Искусственный Интеллект (139382) посмотри Панель управления\Оборудование и звук\Устройства и принтеры ПКМ по устройству (если есть) нажми Удалить. далее ставишь по новой.
Добавь устройство, может просто слетело..
There are unauthorized Bluetooth adapters in your system. Please remove or disable the devices, and click OK
HI, just recently built a minit itx pc with an Asus Rog Strix B550i gaming motherboard. So far everything has worked fine until i tried using a bluetooth headset. Audio is really bad and cuts up all the time, I tried with some bluetooth speakers and same thing. I tried reinstalling the drivers and all sorts of things. I downloaded the drivers for this sepcific motherboard but keep getting the following error message
«There are unauthorized Bluettoth adapters in your system. Please remove or disable the devices and click ok»
I then tried the install having removed all the bluetooth devices with the device manager and all sorts of things but keep getting the same message «Realtek Bluetooth is not installed in your system»
I am pretty desperate and might just give up a buy a bluetooth dongle but if anyone has had any similar issue or can help me I would be very grateful.
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