Как удалить django
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Как удалить django

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Как удалить django

Рассмотрим пример с редактированием и удалением объектов модели на примере модели Person:

from django.db import models class Person(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=20) age = models.IntegerField()



Для обновления объекта также применяется метод save() :

bob = Person.objects.get(id=2) bob.name = "Bob" bob.save()

В этом случае Django полностью обновляет объект, все его свойства, даже если мы их не изменяли. Чтобы указать, что нам надо обновить только определенные поля, следует использовать параметр update_fields :

from .models import Person bob = Person.objects.get(id=1) bob.name = "Robert" bob.save(update_fields=["name"])

Это позволит повысить производительность.


Другой способ обновления объектов представляет метод update() (и его асинхронная версия aupdate() ) в сочетании с методом filter , которые вместе выполняют один запрос к базе данных:

from .models import Person number = Person.objects.filter(id=1).update(name="Mike") print(result) # количество обновленных строк

В данном случае у объектов с устанавливаем для поля name значение «Mike». Метод возвращает количество обновленных строк.

Если нам не надо получать обновляемый объект, то данный способ позволит нам увеличить производительность взаимодействия с бд.

Также можно установить и большое количество полей:

Person.objects.filter(id=1).update(name="Mike", age = 33)

Иногда бывает необходимо изменить значение столбца в бд на основании уже имеющегося значения. В этом случае мы можем использовать функцию F() :

from .models import Person from django.db.models import F Person.objects.all(id=2).update(age = F("age") + 1)

В данном случае полю age присваивается уже имеющееся значение, увеличенное на единицу.

При этом важно учитывать, что метод update обновляет все записи в таблице, которые соответствуют условию.

Если надо обновить вообще все записи, вне зависимости от условия, то необходимо комбинировать метод update с методом all() :

from .models import Person from django.db.models import F Person.objects.all().update(name="Mike") Person.objects.all().update(age = F("age") + 1)

Метод update_or_create (и его асинхронная версия aupdate_or_create() ) обновляет запись, а если ее нет, то добавляет ее в таблицу:

values_for_update= bob, created = Person.objects.update_or_create(id=2, defaults = values_for_update)

Метод update_or_create() принимает два параметра. Первый параметр представляет критерий выборки объектов, которые будут обновляться. Второй параметр представляет объект со значениями, которые получат выбранные объекты. Если критерию не соответствует никаких объектов, то в таблицу добавляется новый объект, а переменная created будет равна True.


Метод bulk_update() (и его асинхронная версия abulk_update() ) позволяет обновить за один раз набор объектов.

bulk_update(objs, fields, batch_size=None)

Первый параметр — obj указывает на обновляемые объекты, а второй параметр — fields представляет обновляемые поля с новыми значениями. Последний параметр — batch_size указывает, сколько объектов обновляется в одном запросе (по умолчанию обновляются все объекты)

from .models import Person first_person = Person.objects.get(id=1) first_person.name = "Tomas" second_person = Person.objects.get(id=2) second_person.age = 29 number = Person.objects.bulk_update([first_person, second_person], ["name", "age"]) print(number) # 2

В данном случае у первого объекта обновляется значение поля «name», а у второго — значение поля «age». Поэтому в качестве второго параметра передается список с данными полями. Результатом метода является количество обновленных объектов.

Данный метод имеет некоторые ограничения. В частности, мы не можем обновить значение первичного ключа. Также если в обновляемом наборе есть дубли, то только первое вхождение объекта будет использоваться для обновления.


Для удаления мы можем вызвать метод delete() (либо его асинхронную версию adelete() ) у удаляемого объекта:

person = Person.objects.get(id=2) person.delete()

Если не требуется получение отдельного объекта из базы данных, тогда можно удалить объект с помощью комбинации методов filter() и delete() :


Удаление всех данных из таблицы:


Uninstall Django completely

I uninstalled django on my machine using pip uninstall Django . It says successfully uninstalled whereas when I see django version in python shell, it still gives the older version I installed. To remove it from python path, I deleted the django folder under /usr/local/lib/python-2.7/dist-packages/ . However sudo pip search Django | more /^Django command still shows Django installed version. How do i completely remove it ?

359k 63 63 gold badges 736 736 silver badges 638 638 bronze badges
asked Jan 3, 2014 at 6:24
479 2 2 gold badges 4 4 silver badges 17 17 bronze badges

11 Answers 11

pip search command does not show installed packages, but search packages in pypi.

Use pip freeze command and grep to see installed packages:

pip freeze | grep Django 

answered Jan 3, 2014 at 6:27
359k 63 63 gold badges 736 736 silver badges 638 638 bronze badges
pip freeze | grep Django says Django==1.5. How do i uninstall it?
Jan 3, 2014 at 6:37
I did it just now again. It says successfully uninstalled. pip freeze still has the same result.
Jan 3, 2014 at 6:40
@S-T, What is the output of pip show Django and pip show -f Django ?
Jan 3, 2014 at 6:47
pip show Django output: Name: Django Version: 1.5 Location: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages
Jan 3, 2014 at 7:20

@S-T, What is the output of which pip . Maybe you’re using pip that reference another version of python .. ?

Jan 3, 2014 at 7:34

open the CMD and use this command :

it will easy uninstalled .

answered Aug 30, 2019 at 10:23
hassan hassairi hassan hassairi
71 1 1 silver badge 2 2 bronze badges

Got it solved. I missed to delete the egg_info files of all previous Django versions. Removed them from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages . Also from /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages (if any present here)

sudo pip freeze| grep Django sudo pip show -f Django sudo pip search Django | more +/^Django 

All above commands should not show Django version to verify clean uninstallation .

answered Jan 3, 2014 at 9:37
479 2 2 gold badges 4 4 silver badges 17 17 bronze badges

Use Python shell to find out the path of Django:

>>> import django >>> django 

Then remove it manually:

sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/ 

answered Jan 3, 2014 at 6:32
3,187 2 2 gold badges 21 21 silver badges 29 29 bronze badges

first use the command

pip uninstall django 

then go to python/site-packages and from there delete the folders for django and its site packages, then install django. This worked for me.

4,829 1 1 gold badge 46 46 silver badges 70 70 bronze badges
answered May 6, 2021 at 2:27
aman Kumar mahore aman Kumar mahore
53 6 6 bronze badges

Remove any old versions of Django

If you are upgrading your installation of Django from a previous version, you will need to uninstall the old Django version before installing the new version.

If you installed Django using pip or easy_install previously, installing with pip or easy_install again will automatically take care of the old version, so you don’t need to do it yourself.

If you previously installed Django using python setup.py install, uninstalling is as simple as deleting the django directory from your Python site-packages. To find the directory you need to remove, you can run the following at your shell prompt (not the interactive Python prompt):

$ python -c «import django; print(django.path

answered Apr 21, 2015 at 11:03
580 4 4 silver badges 14 14 bronze badges

I had to use pip3 instead of pip in order to get the right versions for the right version of python (python 3.4 instead of python 2.x)

Check what you got install at: /usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages

Also, when you run python, you might have to write python3.4 instead of python in order to use the right version of python.

answered Jun 28, 2015 at 6:23
1,090 8 8 silver badges 15 15 bronze badges

On Windows, I had this issue with static files cropping up under pydev/eclipse with python 2.7, due to an instance of django (1.8.7) that had been installed under cygwin. This caused a conflict between windows style paths and cygwin style paths. So, unfindable static files despite all the above fixes. I removed the extra distribution (so that all packages were installed by pip under windows) and this fixed the issue.

answered Nov 25, 2015 at 13:38
David Karla David Karla
89 1 1 silver badge 3 3 bronze badges

I used the same method mentioned by @S-T after the pip uninstall command. And even after that the I got the message that Django was already installed. So i deleted the ‘Django-1.7.6.egg-info’ folder from ‘/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages’ and then it worked for me.

answered Mar 17, 2016 at 14:57
321 5 5 silver badges 18 18 bronze badges

The Issue is with pip —version or python —version.

try solving issue with pip2.7 uninstall Django command

If you are not able to uninstall using the above command then for sure your pip2.7 version is not installed so you can follow the below steps:

1) which pip2.7 it should give you an output like this :


2) If you have not got this output please install pip using following commands

$ wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py $ sudo python2.7 get-pip.py 

3) Now check your pip version : which pip2.7 Now you will get

/usr/local/bin/pip2.7 as output 

4) uninstall Django using pip2.7 uninstall Django command.

Problem can also be related to Python version. I had a similar problem, this is how I uninstalled Django.

Issue occurred because I had multiple python installed in my virtual environment.

$ ls activate activate_this.py easy_install-3.4 pip2.7 python python3 wheel activate.csh easy_install pip pip3 python2 python3.4 activate.fish easy_install-2.7 pip2 pip3.4 python2.7 python-config 

Now when I tried to un-install using pip uninstall Django Django got uninstalled from python 2.7 but not from python 3.4 so I followed the following steps to resolve the issue :

1) alias python=/usr/bin/python3

2) Now check your python version using python -V command

3) If you have switched to your required python version now you can simply uninstall Django using pip3 uninstall Django command

Hope this answer helps.

How To Uninstall Django From Your System

How To Uninstall Django From Your System

Uninstalling Django is a crucial skill for developers aiming to maintain a clean and efficient coding environment. This article provides clear, step-by-step instructions to ensure Django is completely removed, preventing any potential conflicts or issues in your development setup.

Uninstalling Django can be a necessary step when you’re looking to create a clean environment or resolve certain issues. Whether you’re switching to a different framework or dealing with conflicting versions, removing Django properly is essential. In this article, we’ll walk through the steps to ensure a smooth and complete uninstallation, helping you maintain a tidy and efficient development setup.

Preparation Before Uninstallation

Before proceeding with uninstalling Django, it’s essential to ensure safety of your projects and verify the environment. This preparation step is crucial to avoid any loss of data and to make sure the uninstallation process goes smoothly.

Check Active Projects

Firstly, make sure that there are no active projects running on Django. It’s wise to double-check this to prevent any unintended disruptions. If any projects are running, make sure to stop them gracefully.

# Use the following command to stop a Django project python manage.py runserver --stop 

After running the above command, ensure that all Django projects have been stopped successfully.

Backup Important Data

Next, backup any important data or configurations related to Django. This is a precautionary step to avoid any loss during the uninstallation process.

# Create a backup of your Django project tar -czvf project_backup.tar.gz /path/to/your/project 

This command will create a compressed backup of your Django project, which can be restored if needed.

Identify Django Version

Identifying the installed Django version is important as it can affect the uninstallation process. Use the following command to check the Django version:

# Check the installed Django version python -m django --version 

Note down the version number, as it might be required during the uninstallation process.

Deactivate Virtual Environment

If Django is installed in a virtual environment, deactivate it before proceeding. This ensures that the uninstallation affects only the intended environment.

# Deactivate the virtual environment deactivate 

After running this command, the virtual environment should be deactivated, and you can proceed with uninstallation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I have multiple versions of Django installed?

  • Identify and note down each version. Uninstall them one by one, starting with the oldest version.

Can I backup the entire virtual environment?

  • Yes, you can create a copy of the virtual environment directory as a backup.

What should I do if deactivation of the virtual environment fails?

  • Close the current terminal, open a new one, and try deactivating again. If it still fails, proceed with uninstallation as it will only affect the virtual environment.

Identifying Django Installations

Identifying which Django installations are present on your system is a pivotal step before initiating the uninstallation process. This helps in avoiding conflicts and ensures that you are removing the correct version of Django.

List Installed Django Packages

Start by listing all the Django packages installed in your environment. This will give you a clear view of what is installed and needs to be uninstalled.

# List all installed Django packages pip freeze | grep Django 

This command will display a list of all Django packages and their versions installed in the current environment.

Check Global Installations

It’s also essential to check for any Django installations outside of the virtual environment, i.e., global installations. This ensures that no Django installations are left unnoticed.

# Check for global Django installations pip list | grep Django 

This command will list any Django installations present globally on your system.

Identify Dependencies

Once you have identified the Django installations, it’s important to note any dependencies that are associated with Django. This will be useful when ensuring a clean uninstallation.

# Show information about installed Django package and its dependencies pip show Django 

This command provides detailed information about the installed Django package, including its dependencies.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if multiple Django versions are listed?

  • Note down all the versions listed. You will need to uninstall each version separately to ensure a complete removal.

Are dependencies automatically uninstalled with Django?

  • No, dependencies are not automatically uninstalled. You may need to uninstall them separately if they are not required by other packages.

How can I identify which dependencies are safe to uninstall?

  • Check if the dependencies are being used by other packages before uninstalling. If unsure, it’s safer to leave them installed.

Steps To Uninstall Django

Once you have identified the Django installations and prepared your system, you can proceed with the uninstallation. Following the correct uninstallation steps is vital to ensure that Django is completely removed without leaving any residues.

Uninstall Django Package

The first step is to uninstall the Django package from your environment or system. Use the pip uninstall command to achieve this.

# Uninstall Django using pip pip uninstall Django 

After executing this command, pip will ask for confirmation to proceed with the uninstallation. Type ‘y’ and press enter to confirm.

Remove Residual Files

After uninstalling the Django package, it’s important to remove any residual files or directories related to Django. These could include project files, configuration files, and database files.

# Navigate to the directory containing Django files and remove them cd /path/to/django/files rm -r * 

This command will remove all files and directories in the specified Django directory.
Be cautious and double-check the path to avoid deleting unintended files.

Uninstall Dependencies

Next, consider uninstalling any unused dependencies that were installed with Django. Be sure to check whether these dependencies are used by other packages to avoid breaking them.

# Uninstall a specific dependency pip uninstall dependency-name 

Replace «dependency-name» with the actual name of the dependency you wish to uninstall. Confirm the uninstallation when prompted.

Case Study: Streamlining Django Versions in a Development Environment

Developer Emma found herself managing a cluttered development environment with multiple Django versions installed due to past projects. The challenge was to identify and uninstall redundant versions and their dependencies, leaving only the necessary ones.

Emma initiated the process by identifying all installed Django versions:

pip freeze | grep Django 

She then meticulously uninstalled each unnecessary version:

pip uninstall Django==specific_version 

Post uninstallation, Emma checked for residual files and dependencies, ensuring their removal.
She validated the successful uninstallation by attempting to import Django in Python:

try: import django print("Django is still installed.") except ImportError: print("Django has been successfully uninstalled.") 

By systematically addressing each step, Emma achieved a streamlined and organized development environment, enhancing her workflow efficiency.
The removal of redundant versions and files resulted in a cleaner system, reducing potential conflicts and improving overall development experience.

Verifying Successful Uninstallation

After completing the uninstallation process, it’s imperative to verify the removal of Django. This step ensures that Django and its associated files have been successfully uninstalled, leaving no remnants behind.

Check Django Package

Start by checking whether the Django package is still listed in your installed packages. This will confirm if the uninstallation was successful.

# List all installed packages and check for Django pip list | grep Django 

If Django does not appear in the list, it indicates that the package has been successfully uninstalled from your system.

Inspect Residual Files

Next, inspect the directories where Django files were located to ensure that no residual files are left. A thorough check helps in maintaining a clean system.

# Navigate to the Django directory and list the contents cd /path/to/django/files ls 

If the directory is empty or does not exist, it confirms that all Django-related files have been removed successfully.

Validate Dependencies Removal

Lastly, validate that the dependencies associated with Django have also been uninstalled, especially if you have manually removed them.

# Check for the presence of a specific dependency pip show dependency-name 

If the command does not return any output, it signifies that the dependency has been successfully uninstalled.

Common Issues And Solutions

During the process of uninstalling Django, you might encounter some common issues. Addressing these issues promptly and effectively is crucial to ensure a smooth and successful uninstallation.

Django Still Listed After Uninstallation

If Django is still listed in the installed packages after uninstallation, it might be due to multiple installations or environment issues.

# Re-run the uninstallation command pip uninstall Django 

Ensure you are in the correct environment and have the necessary permissions to uninstall packages.

Residual Files Remaining

Finding residual files after uninstallation is a common issue. These files need to be manually identified and removed to avoid clutter.

# Manually remove any residual files or directories rm -r /path/to/residual/files 

Double-check the path and contents before executing the removal command to avoid deleting important files.

Dependencies Not Uninstalled

Dependencies associated with Django might not be automatically uninstalled. Manually check and uninstall any unused dependencies.

# Uninstall the unused dependency pip uninstall dependency-name 

Replace «dependency-name» with the actual name of the dependency and confirm the uninstallation when prompted.

Permission Denied

A permission denied error might occur if you lack the necessary permissions to uninstall Django or delete files.

# Use sudo to uninstall Django or remove files (Linux/macOS) sudo pip uninstall Django sudo rm -r /path/to/files 

Using sudo grants elevated permissions, but be cautious and confirm each action to avoid unintended consequences.

Frequently Asked Questions

After uninstalling Django, can I reuse the same virtual environment for installing a different version of Django or another package?

Yes, you can reuse the virtual environment for installing different versions of Django or other packages. Make sure the environment is clean and free of conflicts before installing new packages.

Is it necessary to manually remove residual files and dependencies after uninstalling Django?

While Django itself should be uninstalled using pip, residual files and unused dependencies might remain. Manually removing them ensures a clean and clutter-free system.

How can I ensure that uninstalling Django won’t affect other Python packages installed on my system?

Uninstalling Django should not affect other Python packages. However, be cautious when uninstalling dependencies, and check whether they are used by other packages before removal.

What should I do if I still see Django-related files after verifying successful uninstallation?

Manually delete any remaining Django-related files or directories. Ensure to double-check the contents before deletion to avoid removing important files inadvertently.

Удаление (CRUD) — Python: Разработка на фреймворке Django

Удаление – самое простое действие в обычном CRUD. Ему не нужен шаблон. Удаление состоит из простого обработчика, в котором нет условных конструкций. В этом уроке научимся правильно удалять сущности.

Для удаления сущности, нужно добавить новые маршрут и обработчик:


from django.urls import path from hexlet_django_blog.article.views import IndexView, ArticleFormView, ArticleFormEditView, ArticleFormDeleteView urlpatterns = [ # . path('/delete/', ArticleFormDeleteView.as_view(), name='articles_delete'), ] 


class ArticleFormDeleteView(View): def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): article_id = kwargs.get('id') article = Article.objects.get(id=article_id) if article: article.delete() return redirect('articles') 

Самое интересное в удалении – это ссылка или кнопка удаления. Она не может быть обычной ссылкой. С точки зрения HTTP, удаление — это DELETE-запрос. Эту семантику важно соблюдать, так как на нее ориентируются разные инструменты и поисковики при анализе страниц.

Django, как и большинство python фреймворков, принимает данные через GET или POST запросы. Для обработки таких запросов как DELETE или PATCH используются маршруты, содержащие в себе название действия и привязанные к соответствующим обработчикам POST запросов.

Но если сделать удаление обычной ссылкой, то любой автоматический инструмент может попробовать перейти по ней, например, предзагрузка страниц в Chrome. Это будет крайне неприятный сюрприз.

Чтобы решить подобную проблему, сделаем ссылку на удаление формой:

 action="" method="post">  type="submit" value="Удалить">  


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