Что за user agent stylesheet?
Объясните, откуда берется этот user agent, и почему перекрывает свойства css. пытаюсь прописать float:left для 3х блоков, а они игнорируются!Я так понимаю это стандартный стиль браузера? сброс стилей не помогает (
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Решения вопроса 1
User agent stylesheet — это стили браузера. В данном случае они устанавливают отображение в виде блока для тега . На float это не влияет.
Ответ написан более трёх лет назад
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Денис Васильев @good_job Автор вопроса
но мне этот display:block не нужен, можно как-то убрать? иначе float не срабатывает
Каскадность это алгоритм, который определяет как совмещать и сочетать значения свойств происходящих из различных источников(CSS-правила могут располагаться как в самом веб-документе, так и во внешних файлах). Данный алгоритм лежит в основе CSS, как можно понять из его названия: Cascading Style Sheets(Каскадные Таблицы Стилей). Данная статья объясняет что такое каскадность, порядок в котором определяется какие свойства будут в конечном итоге выполнены и как это затрагивает вас, веб разработчика.
What CSS entities participate in the cascade
Only CSS declarations, that is property/value pairs, participate in the cascade. That means that at-rules containing entities other than declarations, like @font-face containing descriptors don’t participate in the cascade. In these case, only the at-rule as the whole participates in the cascade; here the @font-face identified by its font-family descriptor. If several @font-face with the same descriptor are defined, only the most adequate @font-face , as a whole, is considered.
If the declarations contained in most at-rules (en-US) participate in the cascade, like declarations contained in @media , @documents , or @supports , declarations contained in @keyframes (en-US) doesn’t. Like for @font-face , only the at-rule as a whole is selected via the cascade algorithm.
Finally note that @import (en-US) and @charset (en-US) obey specific algorithms and aren’t affected by the cascade algorithm.
Origin of CSS declarations
The CSS cascade algorithm wants to select CSS declarations to set the correct value for CSS properties. CSS declarations originate from different origins:
- The browser has a basic style sheet that gives a default style to any document. These style sheets are named user-agent stylesheets. Some browsers uses actual style sheets to perform this, while others simulate them in code, but both cases should be indetectable. Some browsers also allow users to modify the user-agent stylesheet. Although some constraints on user-agent stylesheets are set by the HTML specification, browsers still have a lot of latitude: that means that significant differences exist from one browser to another. To ease their development and lower the basic ground on which to work, Web developers often use a CSS reset style sheet, forcing common properties values to a known state.
- The author of the Web page define styles for the document. These are the most common style sheets. Most of the time several of them are defined and they make the look and feel of the Web site — its theme.
- The reader, the user of the browser, may have a custom style sheet to tailor its experience.
Though style sheets come from these different origins, they overlap in scope: the cascade algorithm defines how they interact.
Cascading order
The cascading algorithm determines how to find the value to apply for each property for each document element.
- It first filters all the rules from the different sources to keep only the rules that apply to a given element. That means rules whose selector matches the given element and which are part of an appropriate media at-rule.
- Then it sorts these rules according to their importance, that is, whether or not they are followed by !important , and by their origin. The cascade is in ascending order, which means that !important values from a user-defined style sheet have precedence over normal values originated from a user-agent style sheet:
Origin Importance 1 user agent normal 2 user normal 3 author normal 4 CSS Animations see below 5 author !important 6 user !important 7 user agent* !important * based on w3.org CSS3 specs
- In case of equality, the specificity (en-US) of a value is considered to choose one or the other.
CSS animations and the cascade
CSS Animations (en-US) , using @keyframes (en-US) at-rules defines animations between states. Keyframes don’t cascade, meaning that at any time CSS takes values from one single @keyframes and never mixes several of them.
When several keyframes are appropriate, it chooses the latest defined in the most important document, but never combined all together.
Also note that values within @keyframes at-rules overwrite all normal values but are overwritten by !important values.
User-agent CSS:
li margin-left: 10px; >
Author CSS 1:
li margin-left: 0; > /* This is a reset */
Author CSS 2:
@media screen li margin-left: 3px; > > @media print li margin-left: 1px; > >
User CSS:
.specific margin-left: 1em; >
ul> li class="specific">1sup>stsup>li> li>2sup>ndsup>li> ul>
In this case, declarations inside li and .specific rules should apply. No declaration is marked as !important so the precedence order is author style sheets before user style sheets or user-agent stylesheet.
So three declarations are in competition:
margin-left: 0;
margin-left: 3px;
margin-left: 1px;
The last one is ignored (on a screen), and the two first have the same selector, hence the same specificity: it is the last one that is then selected:
margin-left: 3px;
Note that the declaration defined in the user CSS, though having a greater specifity, is not chosen as the cascade algorithm is applied before the specifity algorithm.
See also
- The very simple introduction (en-US) of cascading in the CSS Tutorial.
- Ключевые концепции CSS
- Синтаксис CSS
- @-правила
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- специфичность
- наследование
- блочная модель
- режимы компоновки
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- Схлопывание отступов
- Значения
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This page was last modified on 7 авг. 2023 г. by MDN contributors.
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Изменение стиля breadcrumbs шаблона Joomla от Artisteer.
Часто такая ситуация возникает с шаблонами Joomla, созданными в конструкторе Artisteer и это означает, что стили ссылок breadcrumbs в данном шаблоне не заданы. В этом случае стили присваиваются браузером. Обычно это цвет rgb(85, 26, 139) (или HEX #551a8b) .
Изменить стили ссылок (цвет) и других параметров хлебных крошек можно путем изменения файла стилей шаблона template.css. Для этого, например, в него можно добавить следующее:
< color: #000; padding: 10px 5px 10px 5px; >.breadcrumbs a < color: #ffffff !important; font-size: 10pt; >.breadcrumbs a:hover
В данном примере мы задаем цвет текста «Вы здесь», отступы, цвет ссылки, цвет наведенной ссылки, размер символов. Все параметры можно задать по своему вкусу.
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