Как скачать с pan baidu com
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Как скачать с pan baidu com

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Помогите скачать файл с pan.baidu

Доброго времени суток. Буду очень признателен, если кто-то поможет скачать сей архив и выложить его в какое-нибудь облако (яндекс или гугл диск). В качестве благодарности за потраченное время могу предложить небольшую символическую плату

Присоединяюсь и прошу помочь скачать https://pan.baidu.com/s/1hqsYTxy#list/path=/
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Как скачивать с pan.baidu.com?

Это ерунда, обходится переводчиком и смотрением в строку состояния браузера.

Вот это большая проблема, да. Есть различные темы на форумах «перезалейте файлы» типа , попробуй обратиться туда, мне помогали.

Dimez ★★★★★
( 03.02.23 19:30:09 MSK )

Способ проверенный. Полученный линк скармливается любимой качалке, тому же wget или aria2c, с указанным юзерагентом.

token_polyak ★★★★
( 03.02.23 21:25:28 MSK )
Последнее исправление: token_polyak 03.02.23 21:26:14 MSK (всего исправлений: 1)

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Как установить и использовать сценарий для загрузки с Pan.baidu.com

script pan.baidu.com

В этом руководстве мы объясним, как использовать новый скрипт, который позволяет загружать из знаменитого китайского облака без ограничений скорости. Вот как активировать его в веб-браузерах Google Chrome или Mozilla Firefox.

script Pan.baidu.com

Pan.baidu.com: вот как уменьшить ограничения

Pan.baidu.com является китайским онлайн-сервисом хранения, обычно не используемым за пределами штата. Тем не менее, пользователям, которым необходимо загружать файлы из этого облака, особенно тем, кто посвящен моддингу смартфонов и планшетов, очень много. Те, кто его использует, хорошо знают их ограничения, налагаемые поставщиком для тех, кто скачивает документы за пределами Китая.

К счастью, существуют методы, позволяющие использовать службу без ограничений. К примеру, 2018 pan.baidu.com Это простой скрипт для установки, но очень полезный для этой цели.

Как установить скрипт для загрузки с pan.baidu.com

Прежде чем приступить к установке скрипта необходимо иметь:

  • Веб-браузер Chrome или Firefox;
  • Менеджер загрузки (тот, который интегрирован в браузер в порядке);
  • Расширение Tampermonkey;
  • Хорошая связь с Интернетом.

Шаги, чтобы следовать, чтобы использовать 2018 pan.baidu.com они просты и доступны большинству пользователей. Сначала вам необходимо установить расширение Tampermonkey, совместимое с вашим браузером:

Следующий шаг — интегрировать Скрипт 2, Первый — это 2018 pan.baidu.com, а второй — для устранить ограничения скорости загрузки:

  • 2018 pan.baidu.com;
  • сценарий для устранения ограничений скорости.

Использование 2018 pan.baidu.com

script Pan.baidu.com

Чтобы начать использовать скрипт, первое, что нужно сделать, — на случай, если вы зарегистрированы, — удалить свою учетную запись с Pan.baidu.com. В противном случае система не будет работать. После этого трюка, просто выполните несколько шагов:

script Pan.baidu.com

  • открыть ссылку на Pan.baidu.com;
  • выберите кнопку загрузки в правом верхнем углу;
  • выберите скачать.

script Pan.baidu.com

На данный момент ваш файл будет немедленно загружается с максимальной доступной скоростью и появятся в локальных загрузках. Короче говоря, благодаря новому сценарию 2018 pan.baidu.com вам не придется ждать несколько часов, прежде чем вы сможете установить свои новый ПЗУ!

Не пропустите любые новости, предложения или отзывы, опубликованные на нашем сайте! Следуйте за нами в социальных сетях, чтобы оставаться в курсе событий в реальном времени благодаря:


Sometimes, after that, you see the following error/warning. You just have to wait.

3. When the download page is finally loaded, you’ll need to copy these two things:

  • UA (UserAgent) for the link (Number 1 in the screen shot)
  • The download link itself: (Click on Nr 2, it will be saved in your clipboard)

4. You can now use whatever download manager/method which supports user agents.

For wget use the following:

  • Save the download link in a file like «dl_link.txt»
  • And use the following command:
$ wget -i dl_link.txt -O desired_output_filename> -U UA>

imneonizer commented May 30, 2022

  • https://oneleaf.icu/
  • https://github.com/agalwood/Motrix

LoLyeah commented Sep 12, 2022

thank you, this one works.

catgirlmutant commented Oct 8, 2022

oneleaf seems to be down and has been for the past few days. does anyone know what happened?

ChainSwordCS commented Oct 12, 2022

I wouldnt trust baidudownloader.com, lol.

ChainSwordCS commented Oct 12, 2022

oneleaf seems to be down and has been for the past few days. does anyone know what happened?

oneleaf.icu is online for me, and it seems to have worked downloading a 17 mb file 🙂

BaiduDownloaderDOTcom commented Nov 20, 2022 •

Hi, I am a full-stack developer, and my site is BaiduDownloader.com.

First, I’d like to apologize to anyone who has been annoyed by our referral program, which requires free users to share and comment on other forums.

Secondly, We help hundreds of people get Baidu Pan download link per day for free with the code FREEDOWNLOAD1GB, so please do not say something is not correct about my site when you do not provide any proof. It is not fair.

if anyone needs assistance, please contact our support email on our website.

Finaly, Please stop mentioning BaiduDownloader.com in this thread.

Thank you and regards,

bharatsingh430 commented Dec 4, 2022

I tried oneleaf but it crashed while BaiduDownloader.com did the job! It cost $4.39 but that is probably because it works.

Logitech-byte commented Dec 30, 2022 •

I will not pay something as been upload free for others. Find a nother solution.

rawensoft commented Jan 7, 2023
Logitech-byte commented Jan 9, 2023
Andrej730 commented Jan 31, 2023 •

Here’s the guide how to download something from pan baidu not being in China and not having Chinese phone number:

  1. Install baidu smartspeaker app on your phone and register (site sms confirmation doesn’t work but this app sms confirmation does work).
    App location (use either one available to you):
  • https://apkcombo.com/%E5%B0%8F%E5%BA%A6%E9%9F%B3%E7%AE%B1/com.xiaodu.smartspeaker/download/apk
  • https://sj.qq.com/appdetail/com.xiaodu.smartspeaker
  1. install baidu search app on your phone. You’ll use it for login with QR.
    App location (use either one available to you):
  • https://apkcombo.com/%E7%99%BE%E5%BA%A6/com.baidu.searchbox/
  • https://sj.qq.com/appdetail/com.baidu.searchbox
  1. Open some baidu website and choose to login with QR code (https://login.bce.baidu.com/?lang=en)
    Open Baidu search app and open camera to scan QR code and confirm login (camera can be opened with icon located on the right side of the search bar).
  2. Voila, open your pan baidu link and download. For large file sizes you might need to install BaiduNetdisk by using winget install Baidu.BaiduNetdisk in windows cmd

PS Downloading from pan baidu can be very slow and if you have some server to speed it up you can use something like bypy :

!pip install bypy from bypy import ByPy # go by the url and copy the access code to the input bp = ByPy() # copy file you need to download to bypy directory that was created on pan.baidu bp.list() # show list of available files bp.download('test.zip') # download "test.zip" 

kidimbwi commented Jan 31, 2023

still working, Thank you for sharing.

regorxxx commented Feb 5, 2023 •

Motrix didn’t work for me using the «Send to aria2(Motrix)» option, from first link.

But using the direct link option, copying it into Motrix as link and in avanced settings for the download using ‘netdisk’ as User Agent worked fine.

girlmaya commented Feb 10, 2023

Motrix didn’t work for me using the «Send to aria2(Motrix)» option, from first link.

But using the direct link option, copying it into Motrix as link and in avanced settings for the download using ‘netdisk’ as User Agent worked fine.

This is the only way that works for me. I’m not sure this is an ideal option though, as it seems to only download in bursts of a few mb per 5 mins.

xonowy commented Feb 28, 2023

Hi, I am a full-stack developer, and my site is BaiduDownloader.com.

First, I’d like to apologize to anyone who has been annoyed by our referral program, which requires free users to share and comment on other forums.

Secondly, We help hundreds of people get Baidu Pan download link per day for free with the code FREEDOWNLOAD1GB, so please do not say something is not correct about my site when you do not provide any proof. It is not fair.

if anyone needs assistance, please contact our support email on our website.

Finaly, Please stop mentioning BaiduDownloader.com in this thread.

Thank you and regards,

Igor Pustynskiy

Thanks. Worked for me

A-Alaxov commented Mar 1, 2023

Hi, I am a full-stack developer, and my site is BaiduDownloader.com.

First, I’d like to apologize to anyone who has been annoyed by our referral program, which requires free users to share and comment on other forums.

Secondly, We help hundreds of people get Baidu Pan download link per day for free with the code FREEDOWNLOAD1GB, so please do not say something is not correct about my site when you do not provide any proof. It is not fair.

if anyone needs assistance, please contact our support email on our website.

Finaly, Please stop mentioning BaiduDownloader.com in this thread.

Thank you and regards,

Igor Pustynskiy

Thanks, good job

rorph commented Mar 23, 2023

Hi, I am a full-stack developer, and my site is BaiduDownloader.com.

First, I’d like to apologize to anyone who has been annoyed by our referral program, which requires free users to share and comment on other forums.

Secondly, We help hundreds of people get Baidu Pan download link per day for free with the code FREEDOWNLOAD1GB, so please do not say something is not correct about my site when you do not provide any proof. It is not fair.

if anyone needs assistance, please contact our support email on our website.

Finaly, Please stop mentioning BaiduDownloader.com in this thread.

Thank you and regards,

Igor Pustynskiy

That doesn’t work with eyun.baidu.com links 🙁

WoodpeckerBaby commented May 26, 2023
gynesygeg commented May 31, 2023

Hi, I am a full-stack developer, and my site is BaiduDownloader.com.

First, I’d like to apologize to anyone who has been annoyed by our referral program, which requires free users to share and comment on other forums.

Secondly, We help hundreds of people get Baidu Pan download link per day for free with the code FREEDOWNLOAD1GB, so please do not say something is not correct about my site when you do not provide any proof. It is not fair.

if anyone needs assistance, please contact our support email on our website.

Finaly, Please stop mentioning BaiduDownloader.com in this thread.

Thank you and regards,

Igor Pustynskiy

Thank you for being there for me when I needed it the most.

orel15434 commented Jun 2, 2023

�� Hi friends!
We have a new service that provides downloads from Baidu, and to celebrate the launch, we are giving away free downloads! I recommend you to come in and check it out! ���� : https://t.me/baidudownloade

raeka21 commented Jun 20, 2023

To you, the future me who was trying to re-learn how to download things from baidu.

Before wasting your time by trying to download music with baidu links, try your luck finding it at downloads.khinsider.com first.
And for oneleaf.icu, it seems like downloading from them automatically with IDM doesn’t work, but if you add the download manually and change the IDM Options -> Downloads -> User-Agent for manually added downloads to LogStatistic , it would work.

ganav commented Jul 1, 2023

oneleaf seems to be down and has been for the past few days. does anyone know what happened?

oneleaf.icu is online for me, and it seems to have worked downloading a 17 mb file 🙂

bad site. cannot download a folder but have to download all files inside it one by one..

shngt commented Jul 16, 2023

  1. Install baidu smartspeaker app on your phone and register (site sms confirmation doesn’t work but this app sms confirmation does work).
    App location (use either one available to you):
  • https://apkcombo.com/%E5%B0%8F%E5%BA%A6%E9%9F%B3%E7%AE%B1/com.xiaodu.smartspeaker/download/apk
  • https://sj.qq.com/appdetail/com.xiaodu.smartspeaker
  1. install baidu search app on your phone. You’ll use it for login with QR.
    App location (use either one available to you):
  • https://apkcombo.com/%E7%99%BE%E5%BA%A6/com.baidu.searchbox/
  • https://sj.qq.com/appdetail/com.baidu.searchbox
  1. Open some baidu website and choose to login with QR code (https://login.bce.baidu.com/?lang=en)
    Open Baidu search app and open camera to scan QR code and confirm login (camera can be opened with icon located on the right side of the search bar).
  2. Voila, open your pan baidu link and download. For large file sizes you might need to install BaiduNetdisk by using winget install Baidu.BaiduNetdisk in windows cmd
!pip install bypy from bypy import ByPy # go by the url and copy the access code to the input bp = ByPy() # copy file you need to download to bypy directory that was created on pan.baidu bp.list() # show list of available files bp.download('test.zip') # download "test.zip" 

This worked for me, thank you. Alternative to QR login — once you register on the app, you can set a username by going to account settings, which allows you to login in the usual way (username/password) to other Baidu services.

xafaqi commented Jul 30, 2023

I think this is not as efficient as using BaiduDownloader.com, this site can download very large files up to several hundred GB with files under 1GB even though it’s free but its speed is really respectable

Ryu481 commented Aug 18, 2023

https://oneleaf.icu/account.html works, but you have to use it at 16:00 UTC and be really fast, because their baidu-accounts get disabled fast.

astiob commented Oct 13, 2023 •

I didn’t use any third-party sites because they all seemed to want additional payment or reblogging (or were already shut down).

Andrej730’s mobile-app-based solution was the only thing that worked for me. Thanks a lot!

And I had to use a non-EU SIM card, because (ex-)EU phone numbers can’t be selected (luckily, I had one at hand by coincidence). I tried to cut corners by signing up in a Web browser… by installing the apps on Android Subsystem for Windows… by logging in via username/password… by installing only the Baidu app on my phone… but none of that worked (the signup or login processes kept getting stuck at one point or another). Only the full set, with both apps on a real phone, worked. And I still had to install the Windows client to download my file.

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