Open, close, and move projects
If you are opening a project for the first time, and this project has several configurations (for example Eclipse and Maven), the IDE will ask you which configuration to load. For more information about opening a project correctly, refer to Open a project (simple import).
Open projects in a new or the same window
By default, when you launch the second or any subsequent project, the IDE asks you how you want to open it: in a new window or in the same window. You can configure the default behavior for such cases in the settings:
- In the Settings dialog ( Control+Alt+S ), select Appearance & Behavior | System Settings .
- In the Project section, select the necessary Open project in option:
- New window : open every project in a separate window.
- Current window : close the current project and open a new one in the same window.
- Ask : show a dialog with actions to choose from.
- Click Apply to save the changes and close the dialog.
Always reopen projects
If you quit the IDE having multiple opened projects, they all will be reopened the next time you launch IntelliJ IDEA. If you don’t want to automatically reopen your projects, you can change this behavior in the settings:
- In the Settings dialog ( Control+Alt+S ), select Appearance & Behavior | System Settings .
- In the Project section, clear the Reopen projects on startup checkbox.
- Click Apply to save the changes and close the dialog.
Merge project windows (macOS)
On macOS, you can merge all opened project windows into one, turning them into tabs.
- Make sure that there are several IntelliJ IDEA projects opened in separate windows.
- Go to Window | Merge All Project Windows . Drag a project’s tab to work with the project in a separate window again.
Navigate projects on the Welcome screen
If you work with multiple projects, it’s likely that you have a long list of recent projects on the Welcome screen. IntelliJ IDEA provides several options that can help navigate this list in a more convenient way.
You can use the search bar to search for projects, join several recent projects in a group, or set a custom icon for each project.
Group projects
Groups make navigation simpler and help you logically organize your recent projects.
- On the Welcome screen, right-click any project and select New Project Group .
- In the Create New Project Group dialog, name the new group and click OK .
- Right-click the project that you want to move to the new group, select Move to Group , and click the target group’s name.
After that, hover over the group and use the icon to show the menu from which you can open all projects in the group at once by clicking All Projects in Group . You can also ungroup the projects, move them to another group, and remove them from the list of recent projects at once.
Change the project icon
For each project, you can configure a custom icon so that you can quickly find the necessary project on the Welcome screen. Your custom icon should have the SVG format.
- On the Welcome screen, right-click the project for which you want to change an image and select Set Custom Project Icon .
- In the dialog that opens, click Choose SVG file and specify the path to the necessary SVG icon.
- Click OK to apply the changes. To remove the custom icon, click in the Set Custom Project Icon dialog.
Switch between projects
If you have several opened projects at the same time, you can switch between them using the following options:
- Switch to the next project window: Control+Alt+] ( Window | Next Project Window )
- Switch to the previous project window: Control+Alt+[ ( Window | Previous Project Window )
Alternatively, open the Window menu and select the project to which you want to switch.
Change project location
Move a project to another location
- In the Project tool window Alt+1 , right-click the project directory and select Refactor | Move directory ( F6 ).
- In the dialog that opens, specify a new location for the project and click Refactor .
Change the default location for projects
- In the Settings dialog ( Control+Alt+S ), select Appearance & Behavior | System Settings .
- In the Default project directory field, specify the path to the folder in which you want to store your projects.
- Click Apply to save the changes and close the dialog.
Close projects
If you need to close only one project, you can either close the project window or select File | Close Project from the main menu.
If you work with multiple projects, use the following actions to close many projects at once:
Close all projects
- Go to File | Close All Projects . This action closes all projects that are currently opened in IntelliJ IDEA.
Close all but the current project
- Go to File | Close Other Projects . This action closes all opened projects except the current one.
Opening, reopening, and closing projects
WebStorm keeps the history list of the recent projects, from which you can select the desired one.
When WebStorm starts, the most recent project reopens by default (unless this option is disabled on the System Settings page of the Settings dialog ( Control+Alt+S ).
- Call File | Recent Projects from the main menu and select the desired project from the list. Specify whether you want to open the project in a new window or reuse the current window.
- On the Welcome screen , click Projects in the left-hand pane and then select the project of interest in the right-hand pane where the list of your recent projects is shown. Start typing in the Search projects field to filter the list of recent projects.
Reopen a project with Run Anything
- Press Control twice or click on the Navigation bar and type open in the search field of the Run Anything popup that opens. Then select the required project from the list, and press Enter .
- Run Anything is also a quick way to launch applications and to run npm or yarn scripts, learn more from Run Anything and Running npm and yarn scripts. To see all available commands, type ? .
Remove a project from the list of recent projects
- Go to File | Recent Projects and click Manage Projects at the very bottom of the recent projects list. From the list of recent projects, select the project to remove and then select Remove from Recent Projects from its context menu.
- On the Welcome Screen , click Projects in the left-hand pane, select a project from the list in the right-hand pane, and then select Remove from Recent Projects… from its context menu. Alternatively, click and select Remove from Recent Projects… from the list.
Closing projects
When you have only one open project and you close it, WebStorm displays the Welcome screen . In case of multiple projects, each one is closed with its window.
Close the current project
- Go to File | Close Project .
- Alternatively, close the window with the project by clicking in the upper-right corner. However, if you have only one project opened, this will actually close WebStorm.
Close all projects
- Go to File | Close All Projects . This action closes all projects that are currently opened in WebStorm.
Close all but the current project
- Go to File | Close Other Projects . This action closes all opened projects except the current one.
Opening multiple projects
WebStorm suggests the following options to work with several projects simultaneously:
- Each project is opened in its own window. The projects are independent and cannot share information, except for the Clipboard operations. All the projects run in the same instance of WebStorm and use the same memory space.
- A newly opened project shares the window with the already opened project, which is considered the main project and is always shown first in the Project tool window. All the newly opened projects are attached to this main project.
- Select File | Open from the main menu and then in the Select Path dialog, select the directory that contains the project to open.
- By default, WebStorm displays a dialog prompting you to select whether you want to attach the new project to the currently opened one ( Attach ), open the project in a new window ( New Window ), or replace the currently opened project with the new one in the existing window ( This Window ). You can change or restore this behavior on the System Settings page of the Settings dialog as described in Change the project opening policy.
Change the project opening policy
- In the Settings dialog ( Control+Alt+S ), go to Appearance & Behavior | System Settings .
- Specify the default location for your projects in the Default project directory field. WebStorm will start with this folder when you open projects. This default location will be also suggested every time you create a new project.
- In the Open project in area, select the project opening policy:
- Ask : This option is selected by default. WebStorm displays a dialog where you can choose to open the project in a new window, reuse the existing window, or attach the new project to the currently opened one.
- New window : Select this option to silently open each new project in a new window. With this option selected, use the File | Attach project main menu command to attach a new project to the currently opened one.
- Current window : Select this option to silently close the project opened in the current window and open a new project in it. With this option selected, use the File | Attach project main menu command to attach a new project to the currently opened one.
Detach projects from a shared window
- In the Project tool window, select the project to detach and click Remove from Project View in its context menu.
Merge project windows (macOS)
On macOS, you can merge all opened project windows into one, turning them into tabs.
- Open several WebStorm projects in separate windows.
- Go to Window | Merge All Project Windows . Drag a project’s tab to work with the project in a separate window again.
Some known limitations
- Symbols from the attached projects are visible from the main one, but not vice versa.
- WebStorm will keep using the project settings (for example code style or inspections profile) of the main project.
- The run configuration from the attached project will be ignored and new configurations will be saved in the .idea folder of the main project.
- If you use TypeScript, the same version will be used in all the attached projects.
- You can’t close the main project while keeping the attached project opened.
Как в Intellij IDEA открыть 2 проекта сразу
Мне нужно открыть одновременно 2 проекта в Intellij IDEA в двух разных окнах, но чего-то я никак не соображу, как это сделать, подскажите, пожалуйста!
задан 29 апр 2019 в 8:11
Николай Семенов Николай Семенов
794 1 1 золотой знак 10 10 серебряных знаков 38 38 бронзовых знаков
1 ответ 1
Сортировка: Сброс на вариант по умолчанию
Очень просто. Описано вот тут.
File->Open(выбираете свой проект)-> New Window
Либо заходите в Settings -> Appearance&Behavior->System Settings -> Project Opening. Тут выбираете значение по умолчанию. Открывать в том же окне или в новом окне
ответ дан 29 апр 2019 в 8:15
1,309 9 9 серебряных знаков 24 24 бронзовых знака
Огромное спасибо!
29 апр 2019 в 8:21
@НиколайСеменов если ответ решил вашу проблему, то нажмите на галочку и стрелку вверх рядом с ним
29 апр 2019 в 8:29
@AntonSorokin, upvote вроде бы не обязателен. Достаточно Accepted
29 апр 2019 в 8:30
@Dred не обязателен но приятен
29 апр 2019 в 8:48
- java
- intellij-idea
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Работа с несколькими проектами в IntelliJ IDEA
Здравствуйте. Очень простой вопрос: Как работать с несколькими проектами одновременно в IntelliJ IDEA 14 ?
Я пришел с Visual Studio, там можно добавить в иерархию несколько проектов и работать с ними, в IDEA тоже есть иерархия, но пока что как добавить несколько проектов я не понял.
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IntelliJ IDEA
Здравствуйте. Столкнулся сегодня с проблемкой в IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 14.1.1, после.
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Здравствуйте! Помогите, у меня есть код на java, только незнаю как его вставить в intellij idea.
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Ошибка с @Test. Test package Main; import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach; import.
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uLong, Два пути:
1. Использовать один проект, но несколько модулей в нём. (Alt + Insert -> New Module)
2. Открывать разные проекты в разных окнах.