Pipe screens что это
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Pipe screens что это

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Перевод «pipe screen» на русский

Active Carbon Filter, Johnson Screen Pipe, Filter manufacturer/ supplier in China, offering Stainless Steel Activated Carbon Filter for Beverage, High Qaulity Wedge Wire Sieve Bends, Stainless Steel Curved Screen Panel and so on.

Активный угольный фильтр, Джонсон экрана трубы, фильтр Производитель/ поставщик в Китае, предлагая нержавеющей стали угольный фильтр для напитков, высокой Qaulity клин проволоки сита загибы, нержавеющая сталь изогнутые экран и так далее.

A pipe and a pump are used to pull water out of the ground, and a screen filters out unwanted particles that could clog the pipe.

Труба и насос используются для отвода воды из земли, а экран отфильтровывает нежелательные частицы, которые могут засорить трубу.

They drastically reduce the time required to clean pipes, vessels, heat exchangers, evaporators, and screens.

Они значительно сокращают время, требующееся для очистки труб, ёмкостей, теплообменников, испарителей и сеток.

Never apply additional corrosion-resistant coatings to protection of exhaust pipes of the muffler, catalytic converter or heat-shielding screens.

Никогда не применяйте дополнительные антикоррозийные покрытия для защиты выпускных труб глушителя, каталитического нейтрализатора или теплозащитных экранов.

A mass of hydraulic accumulators, pipes and generators — the entire system is controlled via a touch-screen interface.

Станция состоит из множества гидравлических аккумуляторов, труб и генераторов, а вся система управляется с помощью интерфейса с сенсорным экраном.

You are responsible for managing a pumpkin and make it jump to go through the screen by the gaps between the pipes.

Вы несете ответственность за управление тыкву и сделать его прыгать, чтобы пройти через экран, зазоры между трубами.

Secondly, you can choose an electric heated towel rail with a decorative screen that closes the pipes and decorates the interior.

Во-вторых, можно подобрать электрический полотенцесушитель с декоративным экраном, который закрывает трубы и украшает интерьер.

Перевод «screen pipe» на русский

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screen pipe существительное
мн. screen pipes

Словосочетания (1)

  1. screen pipe openings — отверстия фильтра


He spoke with a pipe in his mouth. Он говорил с трубкой во рту.
Click me to hide this screen . Кликни меня, чтобы скрыть этот экран .
The rain-water runs off through this pipe . Дождевая вода стекает по этой трубе .
Rotate your screen to see other images. Поверни экран , чтобы увидеть другие рисунки.
Water was coming out of the damaged pipe . Вода вытекала из поврежденной трубы .

Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах предоставляются исключительно в лингвистических целях, т. е. для изучения употребления слов в одном языке и вариантов их перевода на другой. Все образцы собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. Если вы обнаружили орфографическую, пунктуационную или иную ошибку в оригинале или переводе, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам





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Сеточки Для Бонга И Трубки Pipe Screens

Сеточки для бонга и трубки Pipe Screens

Диаметр сетки – 15 мм
Материал – металл
Количество в упаковке – 5 шт.

3 Люди смотрят этот продукт сейчас!
Код: С-1 Категории: Аксессуары для курения , Сеточки для бонга и трубки

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Сеточки для бонга и трубки Pipe Screens

Сеточки для бонга и трубки Pipe Screens – небольшой, но важный аксессуар без которого не обходится не один стоунер. Сетки для курительных трубок представляют собой защитный барьер между дном чаши и смесью и помогают ей разгораться более равномерно, благодаря чему существенно увеличивается время его тления

  • Позволяют быстрее раскурить табак.
  • Устройство будет дольше оставаться чистыми.
  • Основная часть пепла будет оставаться на поверхности сетки.
  • При надлежащем уходе и применении сетки срок службы курительного аксессуара возрастает в несколько раз.

6 отзывов на Сеточки Для Бонга И Трубки Pipe Screens

На основании 5 отзывов

Anonymous – 26.03.2023
Оценка 5 из 5

Ника А. – 02.04.2023
Оценка 5 из 5

Anonymous – 11.04.2023
Оценка 5 из 5

Артем – 15.04.2023
Оценка 4 из 5
Не швидко прогорає, норм.

Евгений Гис – 17.04.2023
Оценка 5 из 5

Александр Щукин – 19.04.2023
Оценка 5 из 5
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Ёршики для чистки трубок 50 шт.

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Характеристики чехла:
  • Длинна — 180 мм
  • Ширина — 75 мм
  • Высота — 50 мм

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Универсальная Многоразовая Сеточка 20мм

Оценка 0 из 5

Многоразовая сеточка для трубки или бонга, которую можно подогнать под нужный размер с помощью ножниц. Купив универсальную сетку вы надолго лишитесь проблемы с вечно прогорающими дешёвыми аналогами

  • Диаметр сетки — 20мм
  • Материал — металл
  • Цена за штуку

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Моющий Концентрат Для Очистки Бонгов Limpuro Bio Cleaner 20ml

Моющий Концентрат Для Очистки Бонгов Limpuro Bio Cleaner 20ml

Оценка 4.67 из 5

Моющего средства из такого пакетика хватает примерно на 3-4 чистки бонга. Для этого вам необходимо вылить около 5 мл для профилактики, а в тяжёлых случаях 10 мл

Особенности очистителя Limpuro Bio Cleaner:

  • Блестящий результат без щетки
  • Отсутствие послевкусия после очистки.
  • 100% биоразлагаемый
  • Для всех материалов, в том числе и акрила
  • не содержит фосфаты и кислоты
  • Объем — 20 мл

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Оценка 5.00 из 5
Ювелирные весы это точный и надежный прибор для измерения веса до 200 грамм.


  • Точность измерения веса — от 0,01 до 200 г
  • Ручная и автокалибровка
  • Платформа из нержавеющей стали
  • Подсветка экрана индикации
  • Источник питания: 2х ААА (в комплекте)
  • Предупреждение о заряде
  • Автовыключение через 30 секунд
  • Размеры: 119х60х18 мм, платформа 56 — 50 мм

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  • Фитиль — 100 мм

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Оценка 5.00 из 5

Этот пресс для пыльцы с Т-образной ручкой, поможет сделать плотные шайбы — легко и просто. Стоунеры могут использовать этот ручной пресс, чтобы превратить свой киф в идеальный 20 миллиметровый диск.

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Порошок концентрат для чистки бонга

Порошок концентрат для чистки бонга

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Отличный порошок-концентрат для чистки стеклянных и керамических бонгов, кальянов, и других курительных девайсов. Специальное моющее средство предназначено для удаления вязких смол, закоксований и продуктов горения. Обязательно прочтите инструкцию перед применением!

Особенности очистителя Bong Cleaner:

  • Блестящий результат без щетки
  • Отсутствие послевкусия после очистки.
  • Объем — 150гр

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Оценка 0 из 5

  • Материал: металл
  • Высота — 65 мм
  • Диаметр — 20 мм
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    Pipe screens что это

    This function will create a display Surface. The arguments passed in are requests for a display type. The actual created display will be the best possible match supported by the system.

    Note that calling this function implicitly initializes pygame.display , if it was not initialized before.

    The size argument is a pair of numbers representing the width and height. The flags argument is a collection of additional options. The depth argument represents the number of bits to use for color.

    The Surface that gets returned can be drawn to like a regular Surface but changes will eventually be seen on the monitor.

    If no size is passed or is set to (0, 0) and pygame uses SDL version 1.2.10 or above, the created Surface will have the same size as the current screen resolution. If only the width or height are set to 0 , the Surface will have the same width or height as the screen resolution. Using a SDL version prior to 1.2.10 will raise an exception.

    It is usually best to not pass the depth argument. It will default to the best and fastest color depth for the system. If your game requires a specific color format you can control the depth with this argument. Pygame will emulate an unavailable color depth which can be slow.

    When requesting fullscreen display modes, sometimes an exact match for the requested size cannot be made. In these situations pygame will select the closest compatible match. The returned surface will still always match the requested size.

    On high resolution displays(4k, 1080p) and tiny graphics games (640×480) show up very small so that they are unplayable. SCALED scales up the window for you. The game thinks it’s a 640×480 window, but really it can be bigger. Mouse events are scaled for you, so your game doesn’t need to do it. Note that SCALED is considered an experimental API and may change in future releases.

    The flags argument controls which type of display you want. There are several to choose from, and you can even combine multiple types using the bitwise or operator, (the pipe «|» character). Here are the display flags you will want to choose from:

    pygame.FULLSCREEN create a fullscreen display pygame.DOUBLEBUF only applicable with OPENGL pygame.HWSURFACE (obsolete in pygame 2) hardware accelerated, only in FULLSCREEN pygame.OPENGL create an OpenGL-renderable display pygame.RESIZABLE display window should be sizeable pygame.NOFRAME display window will have no border or controls pygame.SCALED resolution depends on desktop size and scale graphics pygame.SHOWN window is opened in visible mode (default) pygame.HIDDEN window is opened in hidden mode 

    New in pygame 2.0.0: SCALED , SHOWN and HIDDEN

    By setting the vsync parameter to 1 , it is possible to get a display with vertical sync, but you are not guaranteed to get one. The request only works at all for calls to set_mode() with the pygame.OPENGL or pygame.SCALED flags set, and is still not guaranteed even with one of those set. What you get depends on the hardware and driver configuration of the system pygame is running on. Here is an example usage of a call to set_mode() that may give you a display with vsync:

    flags = pygame.OPENGL | pygame.FULLSCREEN window_surface = pygame.display.set_mode((1920, 1080), flags, vsync=1) 

    Vsync behaviour is considered experimental, and may change in future releases.

    New in pygame 2.0.0: vsync

    # Open a window on the screen screen_width=700 screen_height=400 screen=pygame.display.set_mode([screen_width, screen_height]) 

    The display index 0 means the default display is used. If no display index argument is provided, the default display can be overridden with an environment variable.

    Changed in pygame 1.9.5: display argument added

    Changed in pygame 2.1.3: pygame now ensures that subsequent calls to this function clears the window to black. On older versions, this was an implementation detail on the major platforms this function was tested with.

    pygame.display. get_surface ( ) ¶
    Get a reference to the currently set display surface
    get_surface() -> Surface

    Return a reference to the currently set display Surface. If no display mode has been set this will return None.

    Update the full display Surface to the screen
    flip() -> None

    This will update the contents of the entire display. If your display mode is using the flags pygame.HWSURFACE and pygame.DOUBLEBUF on pygame 1, this will wait for a vertical retrace and swap the surfaces.

    When using an pygame.OPENGL display mode this will perform a gl buffer swap.

    Update portions of the screen for software displays
    update(rectangle=None) -> None
    update(rectangle_list) -> None

    This function is like an optimized version of pygame.display.flip() for software displays. It allows only a portion of the screen to be updated, instead of the entire area. If no argument is passed it updates the entire Surface area like pygame.display.flip() .

    Note that calling display.update(None) means no part of the window is updated. Whereas display.update() means the whole window is updated.

    You can pass the function a single rectangle, or a sequence of rectangles. It is more efficient to pass many rectangles at once than to call update multiple times with single or a partial list of rectangles. If passing a sequence of rectangles it is safe to include None values in the list, which will be skipped.

    This call cannot be used on pygame.OPENGL displays and will generate an exception.

    Get the name of the pygame display backend
    get_driver() -> name

    Pygame chooses one of many available display backends when it is initialized. This returns the internal name used for the display backend. This can be used to provide limited information about what display capabilities might be accelerated. See the SDL_VIDEODRIVER flags in pygame.display.set_mode() to see some of the common options.

    Create a video display information object
    Info() -> VideoInfo

    Creates a simple object containing several attributes to describe the current graphics environment. If this is called before pygame.display.set_mode() some platforms can provide information about the default display mode. This can also be called after setting the display mode to verify specific display options were satisfied. The VidInfo object has several attributes:

    hw: 1 if the display is hardware accelerated wm: 1 if windowed display modes can be used video_mem: The megabytes of video memory on the display. This is 0 if unknown bitsize: Number of bits used to store each pixel bytesize: Number of bytes used to store each pixel masks: Four values used to pack RGBA values into pixels shifts: Four values used to pack RGBA values into pixels losses: Four values used to pack RGBA values into pixels blit_hw: 1 if hardware Surface blitting is accelerated blit_hw_CC: 1 if hardware Surface colorkey blitting is accelerated blit_hw_A: 1 if hardware Surface pixel alpha blitting is accelerated blit_sw: 1 if software Surface blitting is accelerated blit_sw_CC: 1 if software Surface colorkey blitting is accelerated blit_sw_A: 1 if software Surface pixel alpha blitting is accelerated current_h, current_w: Height and width of the current video mode, or of the desktop mode if called before the display.set_mode is called. (current_h, current_w are available since SDL 1.2.10, and pygame 1.8.0). They are -1 on error, or if an old SDL is being used. 

    pygame.display. get_wm_info ( ) ¶
    Get information about the current windowing system
    get_wm_info() -> dict

    Creates a dictionary filled with string keys. The strings and values are arbitrarily created by the system. Some systems may have no information and an empty dictionary will be returned. Most platforms will return a «window» key with the value set to the system id for the current display.

    New in pygame 1.7.1.

    pygame.display. get_desktop_sizes ( ) ¶
    Get sizes of active desktops
    get_desktop_sizes() -> list

    This function returns the sizes of the currently configured virtual desktops as a list of (x, y) tuples of integers.

    The length of the list is not the same as the number of attached monitors, as a desktop can be mirrored across multiple monitors. The desktop sizes do not indicate the maximum monitor resolutions supported by the hardware, but the desktop size configured in the operating system.

    In order to fit windows into the desktop as it is currently configured, and to respect the resolution configured by the operating system in fullscreen mode, this function should be used to replace many use cases of pygame.display.list_modes() whenever applicable.

    New in pygame 2.0.0.

    pygame.display. list_modes ( ) ¶
    Get list of available fullscreen modes
    list_modes(depth=0, flags=pygame.FULLSCREEN, display=0) -> list

    This function returns a list of possible sizes for a specified color depth. The return value will be an empty list if no display modes are available with the given arguments. A return value of -1 means that any requested size should work (this is likely the case for windowed modes). Mode sizes are sorted from biggest to smallest.

    If depth is 0 , the current/best color depth for the display is used. The flags defaults to pygame.FULLSCREEN , but you may need to add additional flags for specific fullscreen modes.

    The display index 0 means the default display is used.

    Since pygame 2.0, pygame.display.get_desktop_sizes() has taken over some use cases from pygame.display.list_modes() :

    To find a suitable size for non-fullscreen windows, it is preferable to use pygame.display.get_desktop_sizes() to get the size of the current desktop, and to then choose a smaller window size. This way, the window is guaranteed to fit, even when the monitor is configured to a lower resolution than the maximum supported by the hardware.

    To avoid changing the physical monitor resolution, it is also preferable to use pygame.display.get_desktop_sizes() to determine the fullscreen resolution. Developers are strongly advised to default to the current physical monitor resolution unless the user explicitly requests a different one (e.g. in an options menu or configuration file).

    Changed in pygame 1.9.5: display argument added

    pygame.display. mode_ok ( ) ¶
    Pick the best color depth for a display mode
    mode_ok(size, flags=0, depth=0, display=0) -> depth

    This function uses the same arguments as pygame.display.set_mode() . It is used to determine if a requested display mode is available. It will return 0 if the display mode cannot be set. Otherwise it will return a pixel depth that best matches the display asked for.

    Usually the depth argument is not passed, but some platforms can support multiple display depths. If passed it will hint to which depth is a better match.

    The function will return 0 if the passed display flags cannot be set.

    The display index 0 means the default display is used.

    Changed in pygame 1.9.5: display argument added

    pygame.display. gl_get_attribute ( ) ¶
    Get the value for an OpenGL flag for the current display
    gl_get_attribute(flag) -> value

    After calling pygame.display.set_mode() with the pygame.OPENGL flag, it is a good idea to check the value of any requested OpenGL attributes. See pygame.display.gl_set_attribute() for a list of valid flags.

    Changed in pygame 2.5.0: Added support for keyword arguments.

    pygame.display. gl_set_attribute ( ) ¶
    Request an OpenGL display attribute for the display mode
    gl_set_attribute(flag, value) -> None

    When calling pygame.display.set_mode() with the pygame.OPENGL flag, Pygame automatically handles setting the OpenGL attributes like color and double-buffering. OpenGL offers several other attributes you may want control over. Pass one of these attributes as the flag, and its appropriate value. This must be called before pygame.display.set_mode() .

    Many settings are the requested minimum. Creating a window with an OpenGL context will fail if OpenGL cannot provide the requested attribute, but it may for example give you a stencil buffer even if you request none, or it may give you a larger one than requested.

    The OPENGL flags are:


    Whether to enable multisampling anti-aliasing. Defaults to 0 (disabled).

    Set GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES to a value above 0 to control the amount of anti-aliasing. A typical value is 2 or 3.

    Minimum bit size of the stencil buffer. Defaults to 0.

    Minimum bit size of the depth buffer. Defaults to 16.

    1 enables stereo 3D. Defaults to 0.

    Minimum bit size of the frame buffer. Defaults to 0.

    Changed in pygame 2.5.0: Added support for keyword arguments.

    New in pygame 2.0.0: Additional attributes:


    Sets the OpenGL profile to one of these values:

    GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_CORE disable deprecated features GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_COMPATIBILITY allow deprecated features GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_ES allow only the ES feature subset of OpenGL 

    Set to 1 to require hardware acceleration, or 0 to force software render. By default, both are allowed.

    pygame.display. get_active ( ) ¶
    Returns True when the display is active on the screen
    get_active() -> bool

    Returns True when the display Surface is considered actively renderable on the screen and may be visible to the user. This is the default state immediately after pygame.display.set_mode() . This method may return True even if the application is fully hidden behind another application window.

    This will return False if the display Surface has been iconified or minimized (either via pygame.display.iconify() or via an OS specific method such as the minimize-icon available on most desktops).

    The method can also return False for other reasons without the application being explicitly iconified or minimized by the user. A notable example being if the user has multiple virtual desktops and the display Surface is not on the active virtual desktop.

    This function returning True is unrelated to whether the application has input focus. Please see pygame.key.get_focused() and pygame.mouse.get_focused() for APIs related to input focus.

    pygame.display. iconify ( ) ¶
    Iconify the display surface
    iconify() -> bool

    Request the window for the display surface be iconified or hidden. Not all systems and displays support an iconified display. The function will return True if successful.

    When the display is iconified pygame.display.get_active() will return False . The event queue should receive an ACTIVEEVENT event when the window has been iconified. Additionally, the event queue also receives a WINDOWEVENT_MINIMIZED event when the window has been iconified on pygame 2.

    Switch between fullscreen and windowed displays
    toggle_fullscreen() -> int

    Switches the display window between windowed and fullscreen modes. Display driver support is not great when using pygame 1, but with pygame 2 it is the most reliable method to switch to and from fullscreen.

    Supported display drivers in pygame 1:

    • x11 (Linux/Unix)
    • wayland (Linux/Unix)

    Supported display drivers in pygame 2:

    • windows (Windows)
    • x11 (Linux/Unix)
    • wayland (Linux/Unix)
    • cocoa (OSX/Mac)

    toggle_fullscreen() doesn’t work on Windows unless the window size is in pygame.display.list_modes() Get list of available fullscreen modes or the window is created with the flag pygame.SCALED . See issue #2380.

    pygame.display. set_gamma ( ) ¶
    Change the hardware gamma ramps
    set_gamma(red, green=None, blue=None) -> bool

    DEPRECATED: This functionality will go away in SDL3.

    Set the red, green, and blue gamma values on the display hardware. If the green and blue arguments are not passed, they will both be the same as red. Not all systems and hardware support gamma ramps, if the function succeeds it will return True .

    A gamma value of 1.0 creates a linear color table. Lower values will darken the display and higher values will brighten.

    Deprecated since pygame 2.2.0.

    pygame.display. set_gamma_ramp ( ) ¶
    Change the hardware gamma ramps with a custom lookup
    set_gamma_ramp(red, green, blue) -> bool

    DEPRECATED: This functionality will go away in SDL3.

    Set the red, green, and blue gamma ramps with an explicit lookup table. Each argument should be sequence of 256 integers. The integers should range between 0 and 0xffff . Not all systems and hardware support gamma ramps, if the function succeeds it will return True .

    Deprecated since pygame 2.2.0.

    pygame.display. set_icon ( ) ¶
    Change the system image for the display window
    set_icon(Surface) -> None

    Sets the runtime icon the system will use to represent the display window. All windows default to a simple pygame logo for the window icon.

    Note that calling this function implicitly initializes pygame.display , if it was not initialized before.

    You can pass any surface, but most systems want a smaller image around 32×32. The image can have colorkey transparency which will be passed to the system.

    Some systems do not allow the window icon to change after it has been shown. This function can be called before pygame.display.set_mode() to create the icon before the display mode is set.

    Set the current window caption
    set_caption(title, icontitle=None) -> None

    If the display has a window title, this function will change the name on the window. In pygame 1.x, some systems supported an alternate shorter title to be used for minimized displays, but in pygame 2 icontitle does nothing.

    Changed in pygame 2.5.0: Added support for keyword arguments.

    pygame.display. get_caption ( ) ¶
    Get the current window caption
    get_caption() -> (title, icontitle)

    Returns the title and icontitle for the display window. In pygame 2.x these will always be the same value.

    Set the display color palette for indexed displays
    set_palette(palette=None) -> None

    This will change the video display color palette for 8-bit displays. This does not change the palette for the actual display Surface, only the palette that is used to display the Surface. If no palette argument is passed, the system default palette will be restored. The palette is a sequence of RGB triplets.

    Changed in pygame 2.5.0: Added support for keyword arguments.

    pygame.display. get_num_displays ( ) ¶
    Return the number of displays
    get_num_displays() -> int

    Returns the number of available displays. This is always 1 if pygame.get_sdl_version() get the version number of SDL returns a major version number below 2.

    New in pygame 1.9.5.

    pygame.display. get_window_size ( ) ¶
    Return the size of the window or screen
    get_window_size() -> tuple

    Returns the size of the window initialized with pygame.display.set_mode() Initialize a window or screen for display . This may differ from the size of the display surface if SCALED is used.

    New in pygame 2.0.0.

    pygame.display. get_allow_screensaver ( ) ¶
    Return whether the screensaver is allowed to run.
    get_allow_screensaver() -> bool

    Return whether screensaver is allowed to run whilst the app is running. Default is False . By default pygame does not allow the screensaver during game play.

    Some platforms do not have a screensaver or support disabling the screensaver. Please see pygame.display.set_allow_screensaver() Set whether the screensaver may run for caveats with screensaver support.

    New in pygame 2.0.0.

    pygame.display. set_allow_screensaver ( ) ¶
    Set whether the screensaver may run
    set_allow_screensaver(bool) -> None

    Change whether screensavers should be allowed whilst the app is running. The default value of the argument to the function is True. By default pygame does not allow the screensaver during game play.

    If the screensaver has been disallowed due to this function, it will automatically be allowed to run when pygame.quit() uninitialize all pygame modules is called.

    It is possible to influence the default value via the environment variable SDL_HINT_VIDEO_ALLOW_SCREENSAVER , which can be set to either 0 (disable) or 1 (enable).

    Disabling screensaver is subject to platform support. When platform support is absent, this function will silently appear to work even though the screensaver state is unchanged. The lack of feedback is due to SDL not providing any supported method for determining whether it supports changing the screensaver state. SDL_HINT_VIDEO_ALLOW_SCREENSAVER is available in SDL 2.0.2 or later. SDL1.2 does not implement this.

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