Numberutils java как подключить
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Numberutils java как подключить

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Не получается импортировать пакет

Пытаюсь импортировать, но ничего не получается, Eclipse не знает, что делать и не распознаёт это. Брал информацию отсюда.

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.WordUtils; 

задан 27 фев 2020 в 10:24
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Если вы не используете билдеры(maven, gradle), то вам необходимо скачать нужные jar файлы и вручную добавить их в classpath приложения.

27 фев 2020 в 10:50
Можете оформить как ответ и зачту его, спасибо.
27 фев 2020 в 11:00

1 ответ 1

Сортировка: Сброс на вариант по умолчанию

Если в вашем проекте используется какая-то система сборки проектов(maven, gradle), то вам достаточно будет в их конфигурационных файлах указать необходимые зависимости, после чего система сборки сама скачает все необходимое.

Если же у вас таких систем нет, вы можете скачать jar файл с нужной библиотекой и вручную положить его в classpath вашего приложения(как-то так)

UPD Отвечая на вопрос про поиск зависимостей:

Обычно паттерн такой: у вас есть импорт, например org.apache.commons.lang3.text.WordUtils

Тут видно, что за автор у пакета(org.apache), проект(commons.lang3). По ним можно уже определить где искать.

введите сюда описание изображения

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Numberutils java как подключить

NumberUtils instances should NOT be constructed in standard programming. Instead, the class should be used as NumberUtils.toInt(«6»); . This constructor is public to permit tools that require a JavaBean instance to operate.

Method Detail

public static int toInt(String str)

Convert a String to an int , returning zero if the conversion fails. If the string is null , zero is returned.

NumberUtils.toInt(null) = 0 NumberUtils.toInt("") = 0 NumberUtils.toInt("1") = 1
public static int toInt(String str, int defaultValue)

Convert a String to an int , returning a default value if the conversion fails. If the string is null , the default value is returned.

NumberUtils.toInt(null, 1) = 1 NumberUtils.toInt("", 1) = 1 NumberUtils.toInt("1", 0) = 1
public static long toLong(String str)

Convert a String to a long , returning zero if the conversion fails. If the string is null , zero is returned.

NumberUtils.toLong(null) = 0L NumberUtils.toLong("") = 0L NumberUtils.toLong("1") = 1L
public static long toLong(String str, long defaultValue)

Convert a String to a long , returning a default value if the conversion fails. If the string is null , the default value is returned.

NumberUtils.toLong(null, 1L) = 1L NumberUtils.toLong("", 1L) = 1L NumberUtils.toLong("1", 0L) = 1L
public static float toFloat(String str)

Convert a String to a float , returning 0.0f if the conversion fails. If the string str is null , 0.0f is returned.

NumberUtils.toFloat(null) = 0.0f NumberUtils.toFloat("") = 0.0f NumberUtils.toFloat("1.5") = 1.5f
public static float toFloat(String str, float defaultValue)

Convert a String to a float , returning a default value if the conversion fails. If the string str is null , the default value is returned.

NumberUtils.toFloat(null, 1.1f) = 1.0f NumberUtils.toFloat("", 1.1f) = 1.1f NumberUtils.toFloat("1.5", 0.0f) = 1.5f
public static double toDouble(String str)

Convert a String to a double , returning 0.0d if the conversion fails. If the string str is null , 0.0d is returned.

NumberUtils.toDouble(null) = 0.0d NumberUtils.toDouble("") = 0.0d NumberUtils.toDouble("1.5") = 1.5d
public static double toDouble(String str, double defaultValue)

Convert a String to a double , returning a default value if the conversion fails. If the string str is null , the default value is returned.

NumberUtils.toDouble(null, 1.1d) = 1.1d NumberUtils.toDouble("", 1.1d) = 1.1d NumberUtils.toDouble("1.5", 0.0d) = 1.5d
public static double toDouble(BigDecimal value)

Convert a BigDecimal to a double . If the BigDecimal value is null , then the specified default value is returned.

NumberUtils.toDouble(null) = 0.0d NumberUtils.toDouble(BigDecimal.valueOf(8.5d)) = 8.5d
public static double toDouble(BigDecimal value, double defaultValue)

Convert a BigDecimal to a double . If the BigDecimal value is null , then the specified default value is returned.

NumberUtils.toDouble(null, 1.1d) = 1.1d NumberUtils.toDouble(BigDecimal.valueOf(8.5d), 1.1d) = 8.5d
public static byte toByte(String str)

Convert a String to a byte , returning zero if the conversion fails. If the string is null , zero is returned.

NumberUtils.toByte(null) = 0 NumberUtils.toByte("") = 0 NumberUtils.toByte("1") = 1
public static byte toByte(String str, byte defaultValue)

Convert a String to a byte , returning a default value if the conversion fails. If the string is null , the default value is returned.

NumberUtils.toByte(null, 1) = 1 NumberUtils.toByte("", 1) = 1 NumberUtils.toByte("1", 0) = 1
public static short toShort(String str)

Convert a String to a short , returning zero if the conversion fails. If the string is null , zero is returned.

NumberUtils.toShort(null) = 0 NumberUtils.toShort("") = 0 NumberUtils.toShort("1") = 1
public static short toShort(String str, short defaultValue)

Convert a String to an short , returning a default value if the conversion fails. If the string is null , the default value is returned.

NumberUtils.toShort(null, 1) = 1 NumberUtils.toShort("", 1) = 1 NumberUtils.toShort("1", 0) = 1
public static BigDecimal toScaledBigDecimal(BigDecimal value)

Convert a BigDecimal to a BigDecimal with a scale of two that has been rounded using RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN . If the supplied value is null, then BigDecimal.ZERO is returned. Note, the scale of a BigDecimal is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.

public static BigDecimal toScaledBigDecimal(BigDecimal value, int scale, RoundingMode roundingMode)

Convert a BigDecimal to a BigDecimal whose scale is the specified value with a RoundingMode applied. If the input value is null , we simply return BigDecimal.ZERO .

public static BigDecimal toScaledBigDecimal(Float value)

Convert a Float to a BigDecimal with a scale of two that has been rounded using RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN . If the supplied value is null, then BigDecimal.ZERO is returned. Note, the scale of a BigDecimal is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.

public static BigDecimal toScaledBigDecimal(Float value, int scale, RoundingMode roundingMode)

Convert a Float to a BigDecimal whose scale is the specified value with a RoundingMode applied. If the input value is null , we simply return BigDecimal.ZERO .

public static BigDecimal toScaledBigDecimal(Double value)

Convert a Double to a BigDecimal with a scale of two that has been rounded using RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN . If the supplied value is null, then BigDecimal.ZERO is returned. Note, the scale of a BigDecimal is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.

public static BigDecimal toScaledBigDecimal(Double value, int scale, RoundingMode roundingMode)

Convert a Double to a BigDecimal whose scale is the specified value with a RoundingMode applied. If the input value is null , we simply return BigDecimal.ZERO .

public static BigDecimal toScaledBigDecimal(String value)

Convert a String to a BigDecimal with a scale of two that has been rounded using RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN . If the supplied value is null, then BigDecimal.ZERO is returned. Note, the scale of a BigDecimal is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.

public static BigDecimal toScaledBigDecimal(String value, int scale, RoundingMode roundingMode)

Convert a String to a BigDecimal whose scale is the specified value with a RoundingMode applied. If the input value is null , we simply return BigDecimal.ZERO .

public static Number createNumber(String str)

Turns a string value into a java.lang.Number. If the string starts with 0x or -0x (lower or upper case) or # or -# , it will be interpreted as a hexadecimal Integer — or Long, if the number of digits after the prefix is more than 8 — or BigInteger if there are more than 16 digits. Then, the value is examined for a type qualifier on the end, i.e. one of ‘f’, ‘F’, ‘d’, ‘D’, ‘l’, ‘L’ . If it is found, it starts trying to create successively larger types from the type specified until one is found that can represent the value. If a type specifier is not found, it will check for a decimal point and then try successively larger types from Integer to BigInteger and from Float to BigDecimal . Integral values with a leading 0 will be interpreted as octal; the returned number will be Integer, Long or BigDecimal as appropriate. Returns null if the string is null . This method does not trim the input string, i.e., strings with leading or trailing spaces will generate NumberFormatExceptions.

public static Float createFloat(String str)

Convert a String to a Float . Returns null if the string is null .

public static Double createDouble(String str)

Convert a String to a Double . Returns null if the string is null .

public static Integer createInteger(String str)

Convert a String to a Integer , handling hex (0xhhhh) and octal (0dddd) notations. N.B. a leading zero means octal; spaces are not trimmed. Returns null if the string is null .

public static Long createLong(String str)

Convert a String to a Long ; since 3.1 it handles hex (0Xhhhh) and octal (0ddd) notations. N.B. a leading zero means octal; spaces are not trimmed. Returns null if the string is null .

public static BigInteger createBigInteger(String str)

Convert a String to a BigInteger ; since 3.2 it handles hex (0x or #) and octal (0) notations. Returns null if the string is null .

public static BigDecimal createBigDecimal(String str)

Convert a String to a BigDecimal . Returns null if the string is null .

public static long min(long. array)

Как подключить arrayutils java

Теперь вы можете использовать методы ArrayUtils в своем коде.

int[] nums = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5>; int[] newNums = ArrayUtils.removeElement(nums, 3); // [1, 2, 3, 5] 

В приведенном выше примере метод removeElement удаляет значение 3 из массива nums , и новый массив без этого элемента сохраняется в переменную newNums

Numberutils java как подключить

Miscellaneous utility methods for number conversion and parsing. Mainly for internal use within the framework; consider Apache’s Commons Lang for a more comprehensive suite of number utilities.

Field Summary


Modifier and Type Field and Description
private static java.math.BigInteger LONG_MAX
private static java.math.BigInteger LONG_MIN
static java.util.Set> STANDARD_NUMBER_TYPES

Standard number types (all immutable): Byte, Short, Integer, Long, BigInteger, Float, Double, BigDecimal.

Constructor Summary

Method Summary

All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods

Modifier and Type Method and Description
private static long checkedLongValue (java.lang.Number number, java.lang.Class targetClass)

Check for a BigInteger / BigDecimal long overflow before returning the given number as a long value.
Convert the given number into an instance of the given target class.
Decode a BigInteger from the supplied String value.
Determine whether the given value String indicates a hex number, i.e.

Parse the given text into a Number instance of the given target class, using the corresponding decode / valueOf method.

Parse the given text into a Number instance of the given target class, using the supplied NumberFormat .

Raise an overflow exception for the given number and target class.

Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

Field Detail

private static final java.math.BigInteger LONG_MIN
private static final java.math.BigInteger LONG_MAX
public static final java.util.Set> STANDARD_NUMBER_TYPES

Standard number types (all immutable): Byte, Short, Integer, Long, BigInteger, Float, Double, BigDecimal.

Constructor Detail

public NumberUtils()

Method Detail

public static T convertNumberToTargetClass(java.lang.Number number, java.lang.Class targetClass) throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException

Convert the given number into an instance of the given target class.

private static long checkedLongValue(java.lang.Number number, java.lang.Class targetClass)

Check for a BigInteger / BigDecimal long overflow before returning the given number as a long value.

private static void raiseOverflowException(java.lang.Number number, java.lang.Class targetClass)

Raise an overflow exception for the given number and target class.

public static T parseNumber(java.lang.String text, java.lang.Class targetClass)

Parse the given text into a Number instance of the given target class, using the corresponding decode / valueOf method. Trims all whitespace (leading, trailing, and in between characters) from the input String before attempting to parse the number. Supports numbers in hex format (with leading «0x», «0X», or «#») as well.

public static T parseNumber(java.lang.String text, java.lang.Class targetClass, @Nullable java.text.NumberFormat numberFormat)

Parse the given text into a Number instance of the given target class, using the supplied NumberFormat . Trims the input String before attempting to parse the number.

private static boolean isHexNumber(java.lang.String value)

Determine whether the given value String indicates a hex number, i.e. needs to be passed into Integer.decode instead of Integer.valueOf , etc.

private static java.math.BigInteger decodeBigInteger(java.lang.String value)

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