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Status err 0xc0010001 flash tool как исправить
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STATUS_ERR (0xC0010001) in SPFT
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22-11-2022, 12:55 AM
I have an OPPO F3 (MT6750) with a corrupted boot.img file and due to that my phone is complitly dead (it turns on in random ocations).
i tried to bypass the secureboot with pyhon and exploits method and then used SPFT to flash it with a stock ROM available on oppp’s website, only thing is i keep gettin this error «STATUS_ERR (0xC0010001)»
anyone can help me fix this and get my phone back to life?
images~2.png Size: 7.61 KB Downloads: 4
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22-11-2022, 07:13 PM
(22-11-2022, 12:55 AM) Ruskie69 Wrote: Hello !
I have an OPPO F3 (MT6750) with a corrupted boot.img file and due to that my phone is complitly dead (it turns on in random ocations).
i tried to bypass the secureboot with pyhon and exploits method and then used SPFT to flash it with a stock ROM available on oppp’s website, only thing is i keep gettin this error «STATUS_ERR (0xC0010001)»
anyone can help me fix this and get my phone back to life?
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22-11-2022, 10:01 PM
(22-11-2022, 07:13 PM) Abdulakeem14 Wrote:
(22-11-2022, 12:55 AM) Ruskie69 Wrote: Hello !
I have an OPPO F3 (MT6750) with a corrupted boot.img file and due to that my phone is complitly dead (it turns on in random ocations).
i tried to bypass the secureboot with pyhon and exploits method and then used SPFT to flash it with a stock ROM available on oppp’s website, only thing is i keep gettin this error «STATUS_ERR (0xC0010001)»
anyone can help me fix this and get my phone back to life?
Refer to My experience unbricking a Xiaomi Redmi Note 11 Pro 5G (China) — Hovatek Blog
sadly it didn’t help me much but no, the error changed it says «Status_DA_hash_missmatched» both on SPFT and on MTK client, i tried different DA files but the error is the same
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25-11-2022, 08:14 AM
(22-11-2022, 10:01 PM) Ruskie69 Wrote: (22-11-2022, 07:13 PM) Abdulakeem14 Wrote:
(22-11-2022, 12:55 AM) Ruskie69 Wrote: Hello !
I have an OPPO F3 (MT6750) with a corrupted boot.img file and due to that my phone is complitly dead (it turns on in random ocations).
i tried to bypass the secureboot with pyhon and exploits method and then used SPFT to flash it with a stock ROM available on oppp’s website, only thing is i keep gettin this error «STATUS_ERR (0xC0010001)»
anyone can help me fix this and get my phone back to life?
Refer to My experience unbricking a Xiaomi Redmi Note 11 Pro 5G (China) — Hovatek Blog
sadly it didn’t help me much but no, the error changed it says «Status_DA_hash_missmatched» both on SPFT and on MTK client, i tried different DA files but the error is the same In sp flashtool,
Navigate to Options > Option > Download and untick all options under DA DLL All with checksum then try again
help spflashtool status error (0xC0010001)
hello I recently failed to install twrp and got into bootloop so i search here how to unbrick my phone and I found a solution but the spflash tool always have this error. I already did bypassbrom and successfully get the protection disabled status the only problem is when I am trying to flash the rom to my device it will always show like this
Senior Member
Aug 6, 2016 4,981 5 1,824
hello I recently failed to install twrp and got into bootloop so i search here how to unbrick my phone and I found a solution but the spflash tool always have this error. I already did bypassbrom and successfully get the protection disabled status the only problem is when I am trying to flash the rom to my device it will always show like this
View attachment 5394419
Uncheck preloader and check again. Let me know, probably you are missing something more.
Aug 21, 2021 27 3 Redmi 9
Uncheck preloader and check again. Let me know, probably you are missing something more.
still not working
Senior Member
Aug 6, 2016 4,981 5 1,824
View attachment 5394575
still not working
OK, you said you passed the unauthorized verification, I guess you installed the devel filters and so on.
Now you have to set the SP Flash tool in Options/General Check LIB DA match and Check Storage Life Cycle and in Connection; UART/Baud Rate to 921600
Jun 13, 2010 45 1
View attachment 5394575
still not working
Do you know you have to relaunch the bypass each time you try to use SP Flash tool and after each error too?
Aug 21, 2021 27 3 Redmi 9
Do you know you have to relaunch the bypass each time you try to use SP Flash tool and after each error too?
I don’t know that, thank you sir
New member
May 19, 2019 1 0
hola, recientemente no pude instalar twrp y entré en bootloop, así que busqué aquí cómo desbloquear mi teléfono y encontré una solución, pero la herramienta spflash siempre tiene este error. Ya hice bypassbrom y obtuve con éxito el estado de protección desactivada. El único problema es que cuando intento actualizar la rom a mi dispositivo, siempre se mostrará así.
no lo se gracias señor
hola, recientemente no pude instalar twrp y entré en bootloop, así que busqué aquí cómo desbloquear mi teléfono y encontré una solución, pero la herramienta spflash siempre tiene este error. Ya hice bypassbrom y obtuve con éxito el estado de protección desactivada. El único problema es que cuando intento actualizar la rom a mi dispositivo, siempre se mostrará así.
y tenia el mismo problema, lo SOLUCIONE, es un problema de Driver, tus driver preloader estan desactualizado, anda al administrador de dispositivos, busca el puerto donde esta conectado el telefono y dale clic derecho y luego actualizar controlador, la Pc debe hacer el proceso de actualizarlo y luego vas a Flashtool y le das Start, listo. repito: Actualiza el Controlador o Driver
mario 1
New member
Mar 31, 2022 1 0
Desmarque el precargador y vuelva a verificar. Déjame saber, probablemente te estás perdiendo algo más.
y tenia el mismo problema, lo SOLUCIONE, es un problema de Driver, tu driver preloader esta desactualizado, anda al administrador de dispositivos, busca el puerto donde esta conectado el telefono y dale clic derecho y luego actualizar controlador, la Pc debe hacer el proceso de actualizarlo y luego vas a Flashtool y le das Start, listo. repito: Actualiza el Controlador o Driver
entonces tengo que actualizar preolader de mi celular para que funcione en flash tool
Senior Member
Aug 6, 2016 4,981 5 1,824
entonces tengo que actualizar preolader de mi celular para que funcione en flash tool
English is required here, if you want, you can write both.
Not sure what exactly is your issue, if you want to describe it better, it’ll be useful.
New member
Apr 1, 2022 2 0
English is required here, if you want, you can write both.
Not sure what exactly is your issue, if you want to describe it better, it’ll be useful.
Hi guys, I get the same error on a Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Plus, installed the MTK USB Drivers, Bypassed the usb, loaded the global begonia miui 10 flashboot for it, DA/ Scatter/ Auth loaded up, i see the MTK Port in my device manager but i cant find it in SP Flash tool Options/ Connection/ UART .. why ? Is that the problem ? It may be a driver problem, are my drivers bad (MTK Usb Driver v1.0.8) ? Can you guys give some tips on good drivers for this operation ? Thank you in advance.
Last edited: Apr 1, 2022
Senior Member
Aug 6, 2016 4,981 5 1,824
Hi guys, I get the same error on a Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Plus, installed the MTK USB Drivers, Bypassed the usb, loaded the global begonia miui 10 flashboot for it, DA/ Scatter/ Auth loaded up, i see the MTK Port in my device manager but i cant find it in SP Flash tool Options/ Connection/ UART .. why ? Is that the problem ? It may be a driver problem, are my drivers bad (MTK Usb Driver v1.0.8) ? Can you guys give some tips on good drivers for this operation ? Thank you in advance.
Once you bypassed restriction, then keep connected to the PC, and just run SPFT, take a look how your device appears on device manager and upload the screenshot here.